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Roberto Chabet简介
作者:Roberto Chabet    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2010-12-30

Roberto Chabet是菲律宾开创概念艺术的艺术家。自1961年首个个人展览,Chabet先生透过艺术品批判现代主义,藉以奠定当代艺术在菲律宾的发展根基,他的作品–当中包括: 油画、绘图、拼贴、雕塑及装置艺术,抵御社会信奉的现代思想中简易分类定律。他不但于抽象的概念寻找更深远的意义,还惯用日常用品和随手拈来的东西,在世俗生活中找寻新的领悟。

Chabet先生于1961年毕业于 University of Santo Tomas建筑系,同年,他在Luz Gallery举行首个个人展览1960至1970年期间,他任职CCP的始创馆长,并创设 Thirteen Artists奖项。对年轻艺术家的成就给予肯定。1970年Chabet先生领导艺术团队Shop 6,并在University of the Philippines, College of Fine Arts执教达三十年之久。他提倡重视想法多于形式。1970年他创设了地标艺术展览,率先推介当代热衷创作,具有丰富创意的年轻马尼拉艺术家的作品。1972年,Chabet先生先后荣获公共艺术文化遣产奖项,马尼拉视觉艺术大奖,并于1998年获得百周年视觉艺术荣誉大奖。

Roberto Chabet is a pioneering Filipino conceptual artist. Since his first exhibition in 1961, Chabet has questioned and critiqued modernity through his art, thereby establishing the foundations for contemporary art in the Philippines. His works, ranging from painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, and installation, resist easy categorization and oversimplified binary systems espoused by modern thought. Using mostly ordinary and found material, he insists on a more inclusive approach to art, a search for the sublime not just in abstract ideas but also in the immediacy of the quotidian and the commonplace.

Chabet studied Architecture at the University of Santo Tomas where he graduated in 1961. He had his first solo exhibition at the Luz Gallery in the same year. He was the founding Museum Director of the CCP from 1967 - 1970 where he initiated the first Thirteen Artists Awards with a goal in giving recognition to young artists whose works 'show a recentness, a turning away from the past and familiar modes of art-making'. He led the 1970s conceptual art group Shop 6 and taught for over thirty years at the UP College of Fine Arts, where he advocated a kind of practice that gave precedence to idea over form. Since the 1970s, he has also been organising landmark exhibitions featuring vanguard works by young artists, many of whom are among the most active and innovative artists in Manila today. He is the recipient of the 1972 Republic Cultural Heritage Award, the 1972 Araw ng Maynila Award for the Visual Arts and the 1998 Centennial Honor for the Arts.

关键字:Roberto Chabet
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