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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-01-08


2010年夏天到纽约, 被纽约的蓝调所触动…

我走入人群中, 用相机记录, 停格这种感觉
记得有一次在时代广场, 人来人往十分热闹
在那当下, 我与拍摄者目光相遇, 没有对话

瞬间, 在那几秒钟, 他用眼神告诉我他的故事
拍下这瞬间交会时, 刹那间互放的光亮…

“人类文明显现在人们心中, 并表露于外; 面孔不是面具, 而是生命光辉的轨迹.”

这里人种众多, 自由而充斥了个人主义色彩
我想, 这个让第三世界羡慕与效仿的现代化城市
这些渗透每个人的生活, 以至于有点蓝

The Face of New York

I came to New York in the summer of 2010 and was deeply touched by the New York "blues".
It's a community where different races live together freely but glutting with individualism attitudes.
It's a metropolis that gets envied and followed by the third world, but meanwhile recently the city has being threatened and attacked most severely by the global economy crisis and the world terrorists organizations.
All these elements infiltrate into people's lives and make me feel attractive and a little blue...

Walking into the crowds, I use my camera to capture and record this kind of feeling.
I remembered one day in Times Square, people are hurrying to and fro.
I only use my camera to make eye contact with them instead of any talking and feeling their hearts with my heart...
At that moment, maybe within seconds, he or she told me his/her life story.
During all this process I shall do nothing but get rid of my mind to catch their honest true expressions and genuine emotions which should be hidden once that moment has passed. It is such moment that you'll see the brightness of both minds and soul.

"The human civilization exists inside people's heart and appears on their faces. The face could not merely be a mask but the trail of the brilliance of life. "

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