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作者:王玉玲    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-01-14


这系列的作品源自一双脚。那时她刚开始学习跑马拉松,而学习跑马拉则源自一种”尚有一半”或”只馀一半” 人生的临界感觉,该用什麽心态走下去的问题不时在心中迴响。从前画抽象画的我一天无意地把一对跑步的脚画在吉纸上,感觉很是良好,因那双脚像在牵动她的心。后来一隻脚、六隻脚和很多破折的肢体都出了来,他们像活在另一天地中,有自己的呼吸、情感和灵敏度,每个画面成了他们的时空。画画的故事虽有具体的开始,发展过程却没有系统或逻辑,这批画是很个人潜意识的表达,大部份连画画的人也不明所以。

去年偶尔看到山海经中有关柔利国国人的描述,有如天上一袭雷鸣。因这国度的人均是一手一足的,形态和我画中肢体很是相像,画中肢体会否是柔利国国人失散相亲或是纯粹『人有相似』? 我也没能力查理吧。但与其把超现象等同成无根源的天马行空,我更相信那是人潜藏的心理状态可能,所以能引起超越时空的共鸣。


Fragrance Picking in Ling’s Space

“Fragrance Picking in Ling’s Space” shows Wong Yuk Ling’s works done since 2006 which are mainly paintings. Ling is my name, and Ling’s Space is defined by both my time and space. Picking fragrance in my time and space is my utmost basic wish!

The series of work started with a pair of legs. I took up marathon training at that time. It was triggered by the feeling of critical age, both the concepts of “yet-half-to-go” and “almost-half-gone” sound in my mind. I used to practice abstract art only. One day, I drew a pair of legs on the cardboard and felt surprisingly good. The legs on the cardboard clicked my heart. So, I tried to draw more - one leg first to lastly six….. Gradually the “leg”-works become a series. Thereafter for quite a long time all of my works revolved around broken body parts. They live in their world, breathe their own, have their senses and feeling, every paintings sustain their own time and space. Although it seems like a story with rational beginning, the development of the paintings are irrational as a whole. They are mostly expression of my subconscious, which I cannot fully understand. 

I was once shocked like being striked by lighting, when I saw the figure of “Soften Nation” in Mountain Sea Legend. Since the one-arm-one-limb figure in this nation looks alike to figure in my paintings. Is the figure in my painting the same race as the citizen of Soften Nation or it is merely a misunderstanding? I don’t prepare to find out the truth. But instead of treating surrealism as total irrational and rootless, I would rather believe that it is originated from human subconscious, which induce resonance regardless of time.  

Wong Yuk Ling  EMIL 

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