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作者:吴予文    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-03-23



典藏- 今艺术 吴予文

Yang Peng’s Observation on the Struggling inside People’s Soul

Yang Peng, who is studying for the master’s degree in Sichuan Fine Art Institute, is a representative of the young generation. “Hand”, which can convey various emotions, is the key element in Yang Peng’s works. Facial expressions can only convey emotions like happiness, angriness and sadness, but hands can show more. For instance, people can lie by facial expressions, but “hands” will give them away. When a man’s face is lying, his hand, on the contrary, will make moves like seizing, waving and pulling. Yang Peng draws various kinds of hand expressions in his works to explore the deepest secrets inside people’s soul.

Beside the “hands which can talk”, “red strings” is also an indispensable part. Fingers entangled by strings are just like human’s imprisoned emotions. We make a net unconsciously and find a position for ourselves as well as for others. At last, all people live in the same net. As a result, we gradually lose our individuality and become more and more similar to others. The more similarity we have, the less we are interested in trying finding out the difference between us. Human being’s wisdom created difference at first to magnify the meaning of our life, however, it tries to bridge all the difference eventually. It seems like a beautiful net but what lies behind the prosperity bubble is the lifeless uniformity.

Artouch/ Wu Yuwen

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