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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-03-31

跨媒界创作人。成长於香港及英国,毕业於伦敦中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院 (文凭, 2002),伦敦大学建筑学院 the Bartlett School of Architecture (Bsc, 2005),及香港大学建筑学院 (M.Arch, 2009)。其创作立足於实体与影像、真实与虚构、艺术与建筑之间。他的作品《鰂公.缓步.狂想 0700–0730》曾获第十二届香港独立短片及录像比赛(ifva)动画组金奖、HKICT Awards 2007最佳二维动画和最佳短片、日本东京电视台TBS DigiCon 6+3香港第一位、三十届JVC东京录像节2008 cellence Award,以及奥地利维也纳 SidewalkCINEMA 2007评审荣誉奖。其作品曾於第三十一届香港国际电影节 (HKIFF第四届香港亚洲电影节 (HKAFF)、曼彻斯特Corner House、上海MOCA、波兰和第九届德国汉诺威市国际电影节放映。其艺术装置与建筑设计作品亦先后於伦敦,香港,威尼斯双年展(2008)和香港深圳双城双年展(2009-2010)展出。 、

Grew up in HK and the UK, George’s work negotiate between fiction and reality, constantly seeking the dynamic redefinitions and shifting relationships between architecture, art and design. Having graduated from the Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design (Dip.2002), the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL (Bsc, 2005) and the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Architecture (M.Arch, 2009), George is currently a freelance architectural designer, independent stop-motion animator, and a full-time cross-disciplinary creative aberrant. His animated works had received a number of local and international awards and was showcased in multiple video and film festivals worldwide. George’s art installations and architectural designs had been exhibited in London, Hong Kong, the Venice Architecture Biennale 2008 (collateral event), and the BYOB Hong Kong/ShenZhen Architecture Biennale 2009.

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