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作者:悦子    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-04-25

Harmony, with kinds of amorous feelings

There are many different amorous feelings between the south and the north regions in China. But there is one thing in common, that is whether man and nature are harmonious. Harmony, then with many amorous feelings, otherwise with many malpractices.

The truth of nature lies in the beginning of all things, and the truth of  human beings lies in into. This is the harmony of man and nature, which brings out kinds of amorous feelings. Perhaps it is this kind of harmony provocating up the artistic impulse of the literatus. They write poems, songs, and paint. So   comes out this exhibition.

The artists of this exhibition come from all over China. Their paintings show the harmony of man and nature, which are expressed by the enjoyable life of the characters, or the girls’ sentiments, or the folks of western regions of China, or the fun of childhood, or the diversity of landscape, etc. These paintings gather kinds of amorous feelings, and we can easily feel the harmony of man and nature from the paintings.

Expressing the feelings by the scenery is the tradition of Chinese painting. The paintings in this exhibition, most can see the intimacy scene about people and cows, horses, dogs and other animals. This reflects the concept of the harmony of man and nature, and expresses Chinese traditional thinking of "the unity between man and nature".

Looking around, while working to expand the economy, we also brings very serious destruction to the environment, such as: environmental pollution, damage to the natural ecological, killing animals, denudation, ect. All these appear endlessly, which damage the earth very seriously. Now it is time to review and reknow our behavior. But it is comfort that more and more people commend the value of the harmony of man and nature , and take it as the code of conduct.

Based on this understanding, we hold this exhibition, expecting that the viewers can learn it through the paintings.

Yue Zi

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