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作者:悦子    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-08-01


This is a world full of unknown, which makes people perplex and wander from the track. Where from, where to?

This is an era full of doubt, which makes people confuse and find no answers. How long is the way to the future?

Perplexity and confusion are always closely related to our daily life. They never went away.

The life of art lies in the diversity and richness of its style, school and pattern. It combines the general rules of plastic arts and personal characteristics, and utilizes its artistic skills, to build up its own modeling language. The works of Huajun Mou’s are gray, dull and thick. The environment is dusky. The houses are dark. The whole city is shrouded in darkness. The buildings are next to each other lifelessly. They were passively jostled, gathered and depressed. On the other hand, the works of Guoqiang Yang’s are light, peace but depressed. The lonely people stay in the houses without any aim or request. The four walls trap their desire and pursuit. They feel lonely deeply in their hearts.

Being alive is a lifetime process in which we are always pursuing, discovering out ignorance, and then making power to grow. Life is an invisible hand, pushing people forward. There are longing for hope. The dense houses in Mou’s paintings make people suffocate but seek for solitude. The solitary figures in Yang’s paintings make people feel lonely but yearn for denseness. Dense population is one of the characteristics of cities, but too dense make them unbearable. Living solitarily makes people relax, but loneliness is unacceptable by human nature. This contradiction conveys people’s confused feelings.

Confusion is one powerless, helpless, and aimless feeling. The crowded city, the solitude figures cause two different states of mind. They are conflictive, but for each is the longing for the other. However, this confused situation exists independent of human consciousness. It will continue. Confusion is increasing. How can we dissolve the contradiction into the equilibrium? This is what the works transmit.

Yue Zi

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