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超越世界的衰落: 戴卓群、张小涛对话
作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-08-13

Dai: The internal thread of the true artist is an unbroken one.

Zhang: I worry about not being rigorous enough in my work, so I did a lot of thinking and investigation. I spent a lot of time researching Tibetology and Buddhism, collecting information, documents and pictures. Here I have to mention two teachers: Xu Tianjin, an archaeologist at the PKU School of Archaeology and Museology, and Zhang Jianlin, an archaeologist at the Shaanxi Archaeology Institute. They had a strong influence over my making of the films. In particular, the documentary unfolds around the personal viewpoints of Zhang Jianlin, while the animated film features him as a virtual character.

Dai: When did your interest in Tibetology begin?

Zhang: It began in 2002 with research into Tibetan Buddhist art. Research into the Sakya Sect, into new media techniques and other things came together to form a system. You need a knowledge system about Tibetology, a knowledge base about new media language and experimental animation, as well as the analytical methods from painting. You can see that the transformation of each image is an image-concept shift. It uses obscure image allusions and symbolic references to express the artist’s worldview, so it requires the organization and transference of a large knowledge structure. I have tried to create a specific case through cross-disciplinary, cross-medium methods. Knowledge takes place in action; it’s not just about learning. Wang Yangming said that knowledge and action are one. Knowledge is the beginning of action, and action is an extension of knowledge. We must return to folkways, to traditions, return to the foundation to engage in bodily practice.

Dai: So you have now researched Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetology for many years. What aspects of this originally attracted your interest, or spurred you to move in this direction?

Zhang: From 1993 to 2010, I made seven trips to the Tibetan area of western Sichuan, southern Gansu and Tibet, and I think I’m just naturally attracted to this atmosphere. The Hechuan Two Buddhas Temple in my hometown of Chongqing is a Tang dynasty temple that has beautiful stone carvings with an air of the ancient. The carvings are not as big as the ones at Dazu, but they are highly accomplished works of art. Perhaps it’s connected to the influence of traditional culture over me. I have a sense of reverence for Tibetan Buddhism. In 2002, Taiwanese artist Shi Jinhua held an exhibition at the Tokyo Gallery. He gave me some Tibetan Buddhist music that I’ve listened to for years. It has a natural feeling of sacredness and beauty. It is very enchanting. Contemporary art is full of contradiction and paradox. It wants to subvert and deconstruct classicalism, but it also must draw nourishment from classicalism at the same time. I do not wish for viewers to habitually view these films as promotions of Tibetan Buddhism or sightseeing videos of the Tibetan Plateau.

Dai: When contemporary art subverted and destroyed classicalism, it applied western methods and western language. That is to say it borrowed external tools to engage in subversion. Now we’re discovering that these external tools are less and less powerful, and that they are truly compatible with what they were supposed to destroy.

Zhang: When I was young I studied calligraphy and martial arts, and this had a strong influence over me. In college I studied western art history, psychology, aesthetics, philosophy, sociology and history. Contemporary art is another knowledge system. I was perplexed for a long time about the relationship between traditional roots and contemporary art. But later, things in my memory were activated. I’m not sure what they are, but there has always been some kind of force pulling me back into the river of tradition. I place more emphasis on the investigation of the archaeology of knowledge, sociology and anthropology. How should we view the fate of Tibetan Buddhism today? How should we view the relationships between Buddhism, localization, secularization and globalization? How about the relationships of regional politics? I entered into the Sakya project with such questions on my mind. From the beginning, I avoided one-dimensional readings. I think that this is the biggest problem with religion films. I wanted to enter into it with doubts, without standard answers, presenting a process of thought and constant discovery.

Dai: What have you gained from Sakya?

Zhang: I’ll talk about my perceptions making the animated film. It is an issue of the language and techniques of new media. Mist was grand and overbearing, but then I slowly got a better sense for oriental stuff, like reserved language, listening to the heart and the profound digestion of subject matter and language. When making Scar I had already begun to change, moving towards the East, towards the inner mind, towards mysticism. When I made this film, I made updates to my team. I no longer worked like before, with fifty people on the project. Now, the making of images, models, editing, sound and everything else were clearly delineated, while the work was the same as before. I had much stricter requirements, and pushed for more systematic work. Through the making of this film, I’ve had some enlightening insights about the production process of art. I think there are certain things that can only be realized at certain times. When you’re young, you may have realizations about strength, power and ruthlessness. Elegantly controlled things require a lot more time and practice, with that flavor only emerging slowly. The union of technique, body and soul is also very important, and that must ferment over time.

Dai: This is part of your own character. I didn’t see strength and power in Mist. Though it may have appeared as such on the surface, deep down it was still eastern.

Zhang: The music in Mist was a bit overbearing at first, and we made quite a few adjustments. A team must completely fuse together as a unified whole. I like to keep things hidden, to step back a bit. It’s like martial arts. Real skill is hidden, kept inside. It’s about defense as attack, about passivity. The one with a sword in his hand is not a master. The true master carries no sword in his hand or his heart. I am obsessed with the psychological realm and sentiments of martial arts. The artwork also needs this kind of tone. If we pursue technique in excess, then people will get caught up in the details.

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关键字: 戴卓群,张小涛,对话,超越世界,衰落
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