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走在树漆艺术前端 大器不晚
作者:赖作明    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2011-08-15

Frontier in Treechi art, Maturity comes no late
Lai zuoming,Chairman of Taiwan Treechi Committee

I am luch to witness the transformation age, and hero in the development of treechi art, shares a lot common points with Wang. Back to my childhood, I never directioned professor, artist and oldman in my life, now I am the three in the same time. Complexive thoughts overwhelm me, I shoulder the responsibility for Chinese treechi culture, bear the work that no one is willing or capable of doing. Wang shares with me all these feelings, so we became friends, donate for this greenland.

The material we apply for creation is from the tree, called TREECHI, is much better than the chemical term LAQUER.It owns its own world.

Once upon a time, a silk road known by every corner of the world, now we share a treechi road which Wang is carving out,will shine in the future art tour.

With maturity in skill, sparkling in work, brilliant in writing, fruitful in publication, appealing in speech, Wang made all these with gifts and hardworking.

His enthusiasm of creation in an international horizon, the works transform everyday,never been limited by traditions, but born nature like share a connection with the whole universe.Lone before I heared his works toured in Japan, Korea and France. A top class artist works like this.Taiwan and mainland, shares the same root,and thanks to treechi, we becomes collegues and friends. We lined in the same career, it won’t change in the future.

Since our first meet in 1989 till now, I witnessed Wang developed a vast style and constantly generate inovations in the past 60 years.In the collection of his works, a metropolitan smell spread. We expect his upcoming achievement in treechi culture, and brings the society and country a new sparkling.Culture needs to be plant and shared with the all,not selfishly lay in a cabinet.Never stop to plant the idea into the profund connotation of treechi, its language is vivid, tells us Wang did it, and we can tell as well.

The artists who devoted in treechi paiting is very few in Taiwan compare to those who paint ink,oil,colors,due to the difficulty of managing the treechi material itself and expenses.Few spectator would understand its connotation.In mainland many people who transferred from painting to treechi gives it a new notion, Wang is such an expert, who’s knowledgable about calligraphy brings a new world to treechi.A taste of hometown and minority, frontier the age. Thanks to Fuzhou grows a such outstanding leader for treechi art.

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