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In drift—a thinker’s artistic exploration
作者:张朝晖    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2012-03-28

For an artist, the process of his artistic exploration is at the same time the process of deepening his thoughts, otherwise the art is endangered by being degrading. Continuous thinking enables one to doubt existed “truths” in his mind to find those so-called authorities and beliefs serve no more than barriers on the way of exploration.

Young artist Li Geye is a serious thinker of the kind, expressing her contributive thoughts by art. Although she was originally trained to be a traditional Chinese ink painter and should have easily been included in the group of young artists, her distinctive artistic opinions and pursuit makes her distinguished from other young ink painters. The viewer can tell from her paintings not only the profound influence from her substantial academic training, but also her moderate deviation from the tradition as well as her pursuit for new art. It’s not an uncommon phenomenon for young artists to find their original ways to deviate from the tradition, among whom Li Geye is also creating her characteristic style without being limited in the definitions of “experimental ink” or “abstract ink”. Distinguished from others, her art could be described as “on a profound traditional basis, deviation to a great extent in technique, extracting and renewing in aesthetic, diversification in visual effect by using multiple materials, exploration in contemporary visual culture in philosophy”.

Such statement appears vague and abstract, however corresponding adequately to Li’s artistic characteristics. From her colors, lines to other techniques in painting, the artist expresses her understanding and absorption of Chinese traditional art, exceeding technique itself, on a profound basis of Chinese culture. Instead of utterly opposing to the tradition, she takes the attitude of moderate deviation with her respect to it. The rich cultural heritage composed by classical art of different generations can be taken either as a millstone around artists’ neck or as nourishing resource.


What’s more, Li is creating a new characteristic by renewing and developing traditional methods and materials. Bringing outer space into painting and applying methods of light and shadow, for instance, she suspended cobblestones in front of paintings to correlate stones with the ter wave in paintings, creating atmosphere of Zen spirit and mystery. Obviously, her art expresses the artist’s thought about the reality and her feeling of drifting and uncertainty relating to people’s living environment and emotions, therefore it’s easy to find an echo among audience.

In the opinion of traditional critics, it seems to exist some acknowledged standards to value female artists coming from southern cities of culture such as Suzhou, which is actually outdated dogma. The right way to interpret Li’s art rests in firstly understanding characteristics of nowadays society. In the society of desire and chaos, we are always expecting and longing for art of thinkers to give us tranquility and spiritual enjoyment.

Zhang Zhaohui
In autumn of 2007
(the author is the Director of Joey Art Advisory Institute notable critic)

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