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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2012-04-08

Guido Van der Werve, b. 1977, The Netherlands

Born in the Netherlands, Guido van der Werve studied various fields in a number of Dutch universities, including industrial design, archeology, musical composition, Russian literature and language. The artist has since produced performance based videos, and is now recognized as the leading force in describing the sensibility of visual images, going against the dominance of socially activist imageries. Werve’s works, each numbered to show the direct relation between music and image, engender an instantaneous and sensual effect through its refreshing imageries and musical sensitivity. The camera moves very slowly or rotates, and slowly draws out the emotional reaction of the audience without relying on any grandiose drama.

The King's gambit accepted’ in the title of work No. 12 <Nummer Twaalf: variations on a theme, The King's gambit accepted, The number of stars in the sky, And why a piano can't be tuned, Or waiting for an earthquake> is the move that countres Kings Gambit, which is the Chess opening favored by chess masters in the early 19th century, and is in reference of the strategy that originates from the following maxim: “The best way to react to King’s Gambit is to accept King’s Gambit.” Work No. 12. Consisting of a variation of three motifs, conveys the foreboding of countless stars in the sky, unturned piano and upcoming earthquake, through the direct and intuitive method of sound, music and imageries of beautiful natural sceneries.

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2011 Emotional Poverty, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, NL
   Number Twelve—New Media Series, Curated by Tricia Paik, Saint Louis Art, USA
2010 Nummer twaalf, Prix International d'Art Contemporain de la Fondation Prince Pierre de Monaco,
   Chapelle de la Visitation, Monaco
   Nummer twaalf, Luhring Augustine, New York, USA

Selected Group Exhibitions
2012 EORU M SANAI (Ice Man), Arario Gallery Cheonan, Korea
2011 Nuit Blanche New York, New Museum, New York, USA
   Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy (Ukranian Pavillion)
   Prix de Rome 2011,’Smart Project Space, Amsterdam, N
2010 Future Generation Art Prize, Pinchuk Foundation, Kiev, Ukrane

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