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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2012-04-08

Ulla Von Brandenburg, b. 1974 , Germany

Ulla von Brandenburg, born in Karlsruhe Germany and currently working in Paris, uses various media for her pieces – including draw¬ing, video, film, special installations and performance. Her works, reflecting set design and visual art, were mainly influenced by the arts and humanities of late 19th century, hinging on literature, visual art, drama, film, photography and psychoanalysis.

Chorspiel in the exhibition was performed four times over a period of three days in 2010 at Lilith Performance Studio in Malmö, Sweden. This piece reminds the viewers of Thomas Mann’s Bud¬denbrooks. The four actors, serving as family, peacefully carry on their own lives, but the harmony of the family is disrupted by a dangerous young vagabond. However, the vagabond is also one who endows them with new opportunities.

As seen in the title of the work Chorspiel, which means choir game, music as the centerpiece of the setting is composed by the artist herself, resembling mixed chorus hymns or classic elegies. Most of all, the discrepancy found between the lyrics she wrote and the facial expressions of the actors, and the consequent changes, form the key structure of Brandenburg’s art world.

Selected Solo Exhibitions
2010 Neue Alte Welt, Art: Concept, Paris, France
   Chorspiel, Lilith Performance Studio, Malmö, Sweden
2008 Ulla von Brandenburg - whose beginning is not, nor end cannot be, IMMA, Dublin, Ireland
   Art Unlimited, Art 39 Basel, Switzerland
   Passengers: 1.8, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, CA , USA
   Ulla von Brandenburg ? Wo über dem Grün ein rotes Netz liegt, Kunstverein, Düsseldorf, Germany

Selected Group Exhibitions
2012 EORUM SANAI (Ice Man), Arario Gallery, Cheonan, Korea
2011 Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit, USA
   Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany
   A Geographical Expression, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy
   Melbourne International Arts Festival 2010, Melbourne, Australia
   The Crystal Hypothesis, Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo, Italy
   Fast Forward 2, The Power of Motion, Media Art Sammlung Goetz, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany

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