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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2012-05-09

Mr HAN Ke (previously HAN Xue Chun) was born in 1929 in Fujian Province, China. A member of the China Artists Association

In 1946, he went to the Shouzhou Art Shool to study Western Art. In 1947 He was admitted to the National Beiping Art College (The Central Academy of Fine Arts). He studied western art under the direction of Mr Xu Beihong, Mr Wu Zuoren and Mr Dong Xiwen

In 1949, Han Ke joined the People's Liberation Army (“PLA”). In 1950, the Korean War broke out, he went to Korea as a military journalist of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army. During this period, he completed numerous sketches, drawings and paintings.

In 1956, Han Ke came back to China and started his war artist life. For many decades, he visited China’s military frontlines in Fujian, Yunnan, and the South China Sea Islands, and many revolutionary base areas for many times. He observed the life in those areas and collected many useful materials for his art works.

Main Art Works:
In 1956-1957, completed the oil painting “Liaohe Ford”, which was sent to the national art exhibition to celebrate the 30th anniversary of founding of the PLA and was collected by the Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution (“the Military Museum”).
In 1958-1959, worked at the Art Studio of the Military Museum to assist the set-up of the Military Museum and to create art works on  Chinese military history, and completed the oil paintings “Liaoning-Shenyang Campaign” and “AN Yu Ji”, both being collected by the Military Museum.
In 1960, with Mr Peng Bin jointly created “Bombarding Jinmen Island”, which was sent to the National Art Exhibition in 1961 and collected by the Military Museum.
In 1960, visited Liuyang, Hunan Province with Mr Gao Hong to collect materials concerning the Qiushou Uprising, and upon returning to Beijing, created the oil painting “Chairman Mao in Wenjiashi” togather with Mr Gao Hong, Mr Peng Bin and Mr He Kongde, which was collected by the Military Museum.
In 1961, repainted the oil painting ”AN Yu Ji”, which was selected by Premier Zhou Nenlai as China’s present for Mr Kim Il-sung, the President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
In 1962, visited the troops at the Fujian military frontline with Mr Gaoi Hong, Huang Zhou, Liu Lun, and Hua Kexiong, and held an exhibition on “Impression of the Life at Fujian Frontline” upon returning to Beijing.
1n 1963-1964, completed the oil paintings “Morning of a Border Vilage” and “Supporting the War”, and the woodcut series “Heroic Island”.
In 1964, the “Heroic Island” series was exhibited at the PLA National Art Exhibition and won the best art works award of the  PLA General Political Department and was collected by the National Art Museum of China.
In  1965, dispatched to the Northern Vietnam to do sketching and drawing on Vietnam War.
In 1975 – 1977, visited Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base, and completed the oil painting “On Huang Yang Gai” in 1977, which was shown at the Art Exhibition to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of PLA in 1977. The paint was collected by the Artillery Command Academy History Museum.
In 1979, completed the oil painting “Coastal Frontline“ which was selected for the Art Exhibition to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC.
In 1980, completed oil painting “Huang Ji Guang”, which was collected by the Military Museum.
In 1981, completed the oil painting “Liberation of Hainan Island”, which was shown at the Art Exhibition to Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1981 and was collected by the Artillery Command Academy History Museum.
In 1982, completed the oil painting “Marching Forward”, which was sent to the Art Exhibition to Celebrate the 55th Anniversary of the Founding of the PLA and was collected by Artillery Command Academy History Museum.
In 1983, retired from the army, and became interested in landscape painting, and completed the oil paintings “Brich Woods” and “Lijiang River”, both being collected by the National Art Museum of China.

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