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作者:    来源:品博艺术网    日期:2012-09-03






Those who know Li Xiao may think about the Chinese Terracotta Warriors. Indeed, from year 2000 when I became a professional artist in Beijing until around year 2010, I have had paintings exhibited under the names of “Warriors”, “Face Off” and “Modern Warriors”, etc. where images of the Warriors are used as the model. Some critics thought that I was making use of a Chinese historical or cultural symbol to please the Western audience.

Actually, it is not the so-called Chinese symbol that the Warriors have touched me; What touches me is their profound gaze, the traces of time left on the human faces, and a blurred and fragmented appearance hidden behind the yellow earth.

The “Gaze” series portray that profound gaze in the people around us, including children and women, today. I do so by turning them into sculpture-like, with a calm, hollow and profound gaze, just like that of the Warriors.

The “Broken” series is to show the passage of time, that smooth and fresh human faces become broken, fragmented and disintegrated, just like that of the Warriors. My focus here changes from the choice of models to the complexity of painting techniques, that rapid, blurred and broken brushstrokes are used to show the beauty of the abstract and the imperfect.

Both the “Gaze” and “Broken” series are shown in this exhibtion.

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