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展览时间:2010-07-03 ~ 2010-07-31
开幕时间:2010-07-03 (星期六) 16:00

未知博物馆今年第二次活动在比翼开始,这是个不是展览的展览,不是聚会的聚会,不是工作室的工作室,不是酒吧的酒吧… 在这里你能看到挂在墙上的绘画,海报,照片,草图,文字,还有摆放在空间里的家具,雕塑,花草,摆设,但他们是否艺术品需要你自己去判断。你也可以坐下来喝茶,聊天,谈艺术还是八卦悉听尊便,你还可以加入现场创作,或仅仅是让手不闲着。当然你也可以什么也不干,只是待着,晒太阳看风景。我们不会宣称这里发生的一切是一个作品,也不会把观众变成作品的一部分。当代艺术的语法在此并不生效。这里的一切都是待定义的,而不是已定义的,它是一个开放的场所,欢迎感兴趣的人的加入,也欢送愿意离开的人。

As we talk about art, what are we talking about?

Participants: Liao Fei, Wu Ding, Zheng Huan, Li Xiaohua, Qiu Anxiong, Zhou Ming…
Opening time: July 3rd, 2010, Saturday, 16:00
Event hours: July 4th to 31st, 2010, daily, 10:00 – 18:00
Venue: BizArt Art Center
4/F, Bldg 7, 50 Moganshan Road 200060 Shanghai
T: +86 21 62985696 / F: +86 21 62504562

For the second time this year Museum of Unknown will organize an event: a gathering that isn’t one, a workshop that isn’t one, a bar that isn’t one…You will view paintings, posters, photographs, sketches, texts, furniture, sculptures, plants, but are those artworks or not? This is what you will have to find out. You will also have the opportunity to sit and have some tea, talk, discuss about art or gossips, you will be able to participate to the creating process, or simply keep your hands busy. Of course, you will also have the choice not do anything, just stay, have a sunbath, enjoy the view. We won’t call what will happen there an “artwork”, and won’t turn the public into part of the work. Contemporary art language will be ineffective. Everything here will remain undefine, it will be an open space. Anyone who is interested to participate is welcome, and anyone who wishes to leave is also welcome.

As we talk about art, what are we talking about? Will be held from July 3rd to 31st 2010 (everyday from 10:00 – 18:00) in BizArt Art Center.

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