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2010 BCA x TimeOut 青年艺术市集–“我是”
展览时间:2010-08-08 ~ 2010-08-26

2010 BCA x TimeOut 青年艺术市集 – “我是”
The mARkeT 2010 – “I’m”

开幕派对:2010年8月8日(周日), 5PM – 10PM
身份扮演 + 行为艺术 + 《身份的表演》专场音乐会 + 多媒体视听现场 + 酒会 + 其它

Opening party: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 5PM – 10PM
role play + performance + live concert "Performance of Identities" + multimedia audio-visual + cocktail and more

Duration: 2010.8. 8-26, 10AM – 8PM

媒体赞助:TimeOut Beijing(增加中)

Hosts: Beijing Center for the Arts, TimeOut Beijing
Venue partner: Chi’enmen 23
Beverage sponsor: Absolut Vodka
Media Sponsor: TimeOut Beijing (more coming...)
Supporters: China Youthology, NeochaEDGE (more coming...)








“I am…”

There are two substances in the world: one is called “Non-Art”, while the other is Art.

There are two kinds of people in the world: one is me, while the other is you.

Society has given a certain group of people the identity of “artists” who possess extrordinary aesthetics, abundant creativity and emotions, and adept artistic skills. As an artist, I can live in my own way and express myself by making art; however, if I lost my identity as an artist and join the silent majority, will I get opportunity to grow?

So if not being identified as artists, how will you express yourself? How will you face with the fading privilege and limitations of your original identity?

Great artists at the same time are great ideologists. “The mARkeT” will offer a platform to artists with independent thoughts and ideas. “I am” is looking forward to your presentations as non-artists using your wisdom and outstanding imagination.

I am not an artist...

I am a spokesman, a dustman, a bento seller, a drifter, a gardener, a driver...

“我是”参展艺术家/ “I am” Participating artistis

蔡斯斯Cai Sisi: 我是北漂妹I am beipiao girl
蔡卫东Cai Weidong: 我是摄影师I am a photographer
陈超Chen Chao: 我是被嫖者I am someone being sexually offended
陈卓Chen Zhuo: 我是重复迷I am an addict to repeatition
陈卓Chen Zhuo+黄可一Huang Keyi: 我是老师I am a teacher
戴建勇Coca: 我是模特I am a model
丁桂笙Thomas Ting: 我是流浪者I am a drifter
范西Fan Xi: 我是心思细的屠夫I am a careful butcher
方楠Fang Nan: 我是卖盒饭的I am a bento seller
方亦秀Fang Yixiu: 我是幼儿园园长I am a head of kindergarten
高海清Gao Haiqing: 我是歌剧演员I am an opera singer
高瑀Gao Yu: 我是北京人I am a Beijinger
郭立军Guo Lijun: 我是水管工 I am a plumer
韩冰Han Bing: 我是看热闹的I am bystander
韩五洲Han Wuzhou: 我是舞者I am a dancer
何老荷He Laohe: 我是卖酒的I am a wine seller
黄浩Huang Hao: 我是大象I am an elephant
黄荣法Morgan Wong: 我是行政人员I am the administrative staff
黄诗云Huang Shiyun: 我是愁容的小偷I am a thief
黄彦Huang Yan: 我是你I am you
蒋鹏奕Jiang Pengyi: 我是顺民I am a docile citizen
金勇南Jin Yongnan: 我是独孤求败I am Du Gu Qiu Bai (a character from Jin Yong’s fiction novel)
黎薇Li Wei: 我是一个不靠谱的人I am a ridiculous man
李波Li Bo: 我是住在朋友家的宅男I am an Otaku living at my friend’s apartment
李博Li Bo: 我是什么 I am what
李飒Li Sa: 我是知识分子I am intellectuals
刘滨Liu Bin: 我是替补船长I am a substitute captain
刘垣Liu Yuan: 我是房东太太I am a landlady
牟林童Mou Lintong: 我是枝子I am a branch
石玩玩Shi Wanwan: 我是一个胖子I am a fatty
宋琛Song Chen: 我是梦旅人I am Picnic
宋洋Song Yang: 我是城市清洁工I am an urban dustman
唐箐檐Tang Qingsu: 我是绝缘体I am an isolator
唐潇雯Tang Xiaowen: 我是剧务I am a stage management
天安时间当代艺术中心 Beijing Center for the Arts: 我是掌柜的 I am a shopkeeper
TimeOut北京 TimeOut Beijing(Chinese Edition): 我是吉他 I am a guitar
王斐Wang Fei: 我是骑士 I am a knight
王思顺Wang Sishun: 我是我梦到的一块石头I am a stone from my dream
王悦Gia: 我是坏女孩I am a bad girl
王卓Wang Zhuo: 我是驯兽师I am wild animal trainer
温凌Wen Ling: 我是司机I am a driver
翁维Weng Wei: 我是格拉斯司迪人 I am a glass city people
吴大伟Wu Dawei: 我是水手I am a sailor
吴根华Wu Genhua: 我是乐活族I am a lohas
谢嘉麟Xie Jialin: 我是做石膏的I am a plaster maker
辛云鹏Xin Yunpeng: 我是代言人I am the spokesman
徐少Xu Shao: 我是小木匠I am a carpenter
烟囱Yan Cong: 我是妈妈 I am mom
严一能Yan Yineng: 我是第三者I am the other woman
杨圆圆Luka Yang: 我是她们I am them (all females)
炀子Yang Zi: 我是魔法师I am a magician
姚薇Yao Wei: 我是大酋长I am a chieftain
尤洋You Yang: 我是市场总监I am the marketing director
苑媛Yuan Yuan: 我是园丁 I am a gardener
张丰田Zhang Fengtian: 我是纺织女工 I am a female textile worker
赵一霓Zhao Yini: 我是成长中的三级厨师I am a growing third-grade chef
赵一浅Zhao Yiqian: 我是修表的I am a watch repairer
赵轶Zhao Yi: 我是齐塔人I am Zeta
郑文杰Zheng Wenjie: 我是狗仔队I am paparazzi
郑云瀚Zheng Yunhan: 我是伤口I am a scar

“青年艺术市集/ the mARkeT” 简介:

“青年艺术市集/ the mARkeT”是天安时间当代艺术中心为青年艺术家提供的开放式、自助式平台。它鼓励艺术家自主策划活动,自由实施艺术想法,自主决定展示方式,自主参与市场行为,自己与观众进行对话…… “BCA青年艺术市集/ the mARkeT”创办于2008年,迄今为止已举办两届,第三届青年艺术市集2010由天安时间当代艺术中心与TimeOut北京共同主办。

“BCA青年艺术市集/ the mARkeT”以展览、市集和活动的综合形式,为优秀的海内外青年艺术家提供专业展示、交流、收藏、策评、出版的平台,亦为艺术观众提供一个由青春之眼看世界的新鲜窗口。


About “the mARkeT”

Beijing Center for the Arts, proudly presents “the mARkeT", an event showcasing young, national and international artists to the world. "The mARkeT" encourages participating artists to make their own decisions of how and what to show, integrating the artists into the curatorial program, while pushing artists to the frontline of the art market by having face-to-face dialogues with the public. “The mARket” was created in 2008 and held for twice. “the mARkeT 2010" is presented by Bejing Center for the Arts and TimeOut Beijing (Chinese Edition) .

By integrating the exhibition, art fair and special event, "the mARkeT" offers young artists a professional platform to exhibit works, exchange ideas, and to receive valuable reviews by having their works published and collected by the public. Furthermore, it will give the viewer a fresh global perspective on a new generation of artists. With its pursuit of liberty, openness, independence, and an academic standard that constitutes the essence of the BCA concept, "the mARkeT" is dedicated to: a) explore talented young artists by fostering artistic originality, creativity and critical thinking and b) instigate positive interaction between youth and the public, so as to effectively influence the sound development of contemporary art.

“The mARkeT" attempts to be a mentally audacious, self-independent, and creative opportunity for both artist and viewer.

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