展览时间:2010-08-08 ~ 2010-09-03
策 展 人:姚京
赞 助:奥地利大使馆文化处
开幕酒会:2010-08-07 18:00
BIG BLACKBOARD: BEIJING is a transient spatial interior intervention by the Austrian artist Karl-Heinz Klopf consisting of a large scale blackboard displaying an evolving script. At present Karl-Heinz Klopf has been working for three month in Beijing and has a keen interest in Beijing’s current creative spatial productions and ideas.
On the blackboard the network of the artist‘s encounters with colleagues, architects, writers and others, as well as his experiences in the city, are diagrammatically depicted in chalk. This is a work in progress. The initial sketch will be further developed during the course of the exhibition and, at the same time, the visitors will be invited to add their related thoughts and comments.
Karl-Heinz Klopf is interested in the co-occurrence of the two sides: that of the curious stranger‘s view as well as that of the perspective of the resident practitioner. Corresponding to this, the blackboard with its supporting structure divides the exhibition space into two accessible areas: into a front space showing the front of the blackboard and into a back space showing its supporting structure, both crucial to the understanding of the whole space.
In addition, a new sequence of photographs about architects discussion of an improvised arrangement with material samples will be on display.
A conference will bring together architects, artists, musicians and writers from Beijing, whom Karl-Heinz Klopf has met during his stay. They will share their experiences and discussing their work in the context of its local conditions. Further details will be announced.
BIG BLACKBOARD: BEIJING‘s preoccupation are small gestures, big projects and the imaginary city.
Karl-Heinz Klopf was born in Linz, Austria. He studied at the University for Artistic and Industrial Design in Linz and is currently based in Vienna. His artistic practice is mainly concerned with constructed environments and the everyday life in the urban sphere. He works in different media such as drawing, video, photography, installations and projects in the context of architecture and urbanism. His new film THEY, comissioned by the Liverpool Biennial, will have it‘s premiere screening at the Liverpool Biennial 2010.
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