展览时间:2010-08-07 ~ 2010-09-12
策 展 人:圣地亚哥•欧莫
主办单位:伊比利亚当代艺术中心、Tomás y Valiente 艺术中心(CEART)
支 持:西班牙国际文化艺术基金会、马德里芬拉布拉达市政府文化部
开幕时间:2010-08-07 (周六下) 16:00
艺 术 家:索蕾达•塞维娅
策 展 人:圣地亚哥•欧莫
项目协调:Miguel Rodríguez Fernández、蔡珂
出 品 人:高平、邱晨枫
馆 长:夏季风
2010年,伊比利亚当代艺术中心再次携手西班牙Tomás y Valiente 艺术中心,在这个8月共同推出西班牙女艺术家索蕾达•塞维娅(Soledad Sevilla)的个展:八月之光。
索蕾达•塞维娅1944年出生于西班牙瓦伦西亚, 目前生活和工作在巴塞罗那。她曾在巴塞罗那San Jorge美术学校学习绘画,1981年获得奖学金去美国哈佛大学学习。自1969年以来, Soledad的绘画和装置作品已在欧洲被广泛地展示。该展览包括了索蕾达•塞维娅最近创作的一系列绘画作品和三件1998至2004年间完成的装置作品。艺术家在绘画和装置之间建立了密切的联系。她最近的画作摒弃了光在不同纹理和材质表面上的影响,而考虑到反射,运动和透明度。与选中的三件使用相同的方法创作完成的装置作品建立起积极的对话。
在西班牙,索莱达•塞维娅的定位比较中立:她的几何主义作品色彩鲜明,对作品的构思具有连贯性,十分接近爱莱娜•阿辛斯(Elena Asins)的乐曲结构,有比伊图拉尔德(Yturralde)的极简主义更强烈的视觉性。她对细节方面的追求,让欣赏者能够体会到作品的方方面面;大尺寸作品则有超越画布的连贯结构;而自20世纪80年代起,索莱达•塞维娅的作品中出现了线条框架,这种创作特点在之后的十年间日益鲜明。因此,人们也很难将索莱达•塞维利亚归入西班牙艺术界的某个派别。
T + 86 10 5978 9530 / 5978 9531 F +86 10 5978 9537 info@iberiart.org www.iberiart.org
Exhibition Information | for Immediate Release
Exhibition: Lights of August - Solo exhibition of Soledad Sevilla
Artist: Soledad Sevilla
Curator: Santiago Olmo
Coordination: Miguel Rodríguez Fernández, Cai Ke
Production Team: Xu Chongbao
Opening: 7 Aug 2010, Saturday, 16:00p.m.
Dates: 2010.08.07 — 09.12
Venue: Iberia Center for Contemporary Art (E06, 798 Art Zone, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing)
Producers: Gao Ping, Qiu Chenfeng
Director: Xia Jifeng
Presented by:Ibería Center for Contemporary Art. Beijing, China Tomás y Valiente Art Center (CEART)
Special Support:Fundación de Cultura y Arte Cultural (IAC)
Department of the Municipality of Fuenlabrada (Madrid)
Exhibition Introduction:
Iberia Center for Contemporary Art in collaboration with Tomás y Valiente Art Center of Fuenlabrada (Madrid) will launch the Spanish female artists Soledad Sevilla’s solo exhibition “Lights of August”
Born in Valencia in 1944, Soledad Sevilla studied painting at the San Jorge Superior School of Fine Arts in Barcelona, Spain, and later in the United States where she was awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard University, Boston in 1981. Soledad Sevilla's paintings and installations have been widely exhibited in Europe since 1969. This exhibition is including Soledad Sevilla’s latest series painting works and 3 pieces of installations she created from 1998 to 2004.When establishing a retrospective view of Soledad Sevilla’s artistic creations as a whole, what appears in first term is a constant reinterpretation of time that favours in each phase the creation of a reflexive and meditative framework, where interior perception and feelings are inserted. Somehow her creations search to fix or show the intangible that flows in the perception of reality, establishing a time for the glance and a space for feelings.
In the Spanish scene, Soledad Sevilla is located in an intermediate level between the more optical than minimalist positions of Yturralde, who develops a geometry loaded with colour, and the more serial approaches of Elena Asins, connected with musical pieces. Her works maintain an attention to detail that allows very close observation and at the same time group perspectives. The big formats allow the consideration of continuous structures that go beyond the canvas and in the early eighties start to appear a variety of lines that will characterize her work all through this decade. Therefore, it is not easy to classify Soledad Sevilla into any genre of Spanish art.
In a metaphorical way her works seem a window through which the viewer has to lean out in order to make his/her own route. As if through her works one has to conclude a route of exploration and experience that is indicated, marked, but not completely cleared. And, her glance mainly approaches a vision that illuminates knowledge or the comprehension of things through a poetic reason. If something distinguishes her work is in the subtle way of displacing the intensity of the thematic to the pretexts, introducing an analysis that forces the glance to revise the nature of appearances.
ICCA Enquiries & Guided Tour Reservation
T + 86 10 5978 9530 / 5978 9531 F+86 10 5978 9537
Opening Hours: Tuesday—Sunday 10:00–18:00, closed on Mondays
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