展览时间:2010-09-07 ~ 2010-10-10
策 展 人:比利安娜•思瑞克、Fabienne Bernardini
助理策展:陈航峰(中国)、Abhishek Hazra(印度)、Ingrid Hora(意大利/德国)、Anh Tuan Nguyen(越南)、潘剑锋(中国)、Matthias Reinhold(德国/波兰)、Kata Sangkhae(泰国)、Christoph Schwarz(奥地利)、Elisabeth Smolarz(德国/美国)、Mayura Torii(日本/法国)
开幕酒会:2010-09-07 (周二) 19:00
专题研讨会: 2010年8月27日(周五)10 :30起,民生现代美术馆(淮海西路570号红坊F座)
新闻发布会于当天10 :30至13 :00举行
2010年上海世博会卢森堡国家馆项目展示及开幕酒会:2010年9月6日(周一)19 :00
专题研讨会将与2010年8月27日在民生现代美术馆拉开帷幕。包括10位艺术家对于身份问题的探讨、艺术家及策展人Richard Streitmatter-Tran和策展人及理论家徐文瑞的系列讲座以及和艺术家徐坦、时尚设计师张达的一场关于关键词项目的讨论。
此次活动是由亚欧基金会(Asia-Europe Foundation),卢森堡当代美术艺坛(Casino Luxembourg –Forum d’art contemporain),卢森堡大学(University of Luxembourg)以及东大名创库联合举办的。
亚欧基金会(Asia-Europe Foundation)自2003年起开始主办艺术营活动,项目旨在探讨并应对亚欧当代艺术和新媒体艺术领域所出现的各种新议题。来自亚洲和欧洲的年轻艺术家齐聚一堂,通过这一平台开展对话与交流,并合作创作新的作品。艺术营更多地关注的是创意过程本身,而非最终的艺术作品,旨在促进参与艺术家的学习体验并为他们的职业发展提供更多的机会。
秉持着相同的艺术理念,艺术工作坊(Art Workshop)由卢森堡艺术家Bert Theis(与Paul di Felice合作)于1998年创立。其时,Bert Theis正在参加“Manifesta 2欧洲当代艺术双年展”艺术项目。此后,每年夏天卢森堡当代美术艺坛(Casino Luxembourg – Forum for contemporary art)都会与卢森堡大学合作主办欧洲艺术工作坊活动,让年轻的欧洲艺术家有机会进行互相交流与切磋。活动旨在通过一个研究、分析、学习当代艺术手法与材料的欧洲平台来挑战年轻艺术家的当代艺术创作。艺术工作坊活动也让年轻艺术家有更多机会展示自己的作品,并与当代艺术界专业人士和其他来自不同文化背景的年轻艺术家一起进行探讨与交流。在工作坊活动结束后,所有作品都将在卢森堡当代美术艺坛举办的展览中呈现。
Asia Europe Foundation (Singapore)
Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain (Luxembourg)
University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Ministry of Culture (Luxembourg)
Luxembourg pavilion at Expo2010 Shanghai
DDM warehouse, Shanghai (China)
7th Asia-Europe Art Camp – Art Workshop for Visual Arts 2009/2010
moved, mutated and disturbed identities
an international post-master programme
organised on the occasion of the Luxembourg pavilion at Expo2010 Shanghai (CN)
with the participating artists: Chen Hangfeng (China), Hazra Abhishek (India), Hora Ingrid (Italy/Germany), Nguyen Anh Tuan (Vietnam), Pan Jianfeng (China), Reinhold Matthias (Germany/Poland), Sangkhae Kata (Thailand), Schwarz Christoph (Austria), Smolarz Elisabeth (Germany/USA), Torii Mayura (Japan/France)
Workshop leaders: Blocher Sylvie, di Felice Paul
Curatorial coordinators: Ciric Biljana and Bernardini Fabienne
Symposium at Minsheng Art Museum (570 West Huaihai Road, Bldg. F, Shanghai): Friday 27 August 2010, 10 :30 till 20 :00 (including press conference:10:30 to 13:00)
Exhibition Venue: ddm warehouse 570 West Huaihai Road, Shanghai
Exhibition Opening reception: Tuesday 7 September 2010, 18:00
Exhibition duration: 7 September to 10 October 2010
Presentation / Opening reception of the project at the Luxembourg Pavilion at EXPO2010 Shanghai on Monday 6 September 2010, 19:00
The first part of this residency workshop took already place in Luxembourg at Casino Luxembourg – Forum of contemporary art from 5 to 19 July 2009. Nine Asian and nine European artists, selected through an open call by an international jury comprising a panel of workshop leaders and organisers, met in Luxembourg for a two-week residency programme. The residency programme focused on workshops, lectures, discussions, as well as on individual production of works. At the end of the two weeks, the artists presented their work-in-progress in an exhibition at Casino Luxembourg – Forum of contemporary art (19 July – 6 September 2009). After the residency programme in Luxembourg, ten artists were selected to continue the international post-master programme in Shanghai. This selection was based on the artists’ involvement within the group, the development of a new project and the quality of it.
The second part consists in the residency workshop taking place in Shanghai (26 August – 9 September 2010)
The Shanghai residency will start with a one-day colloquium (Friday 27 August 2010) at Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai. The ten selected artists and the facilitators will meet for public lectures, presentations and discussions organised by the Shanghai-based curatorial coordinator Ciric Biljana. After intense theoretical/philosophical input and exchange during the colloquium, the ten participants will work on their final work (in close relation to the topic Moved, Mutated and Disturbed Identities) that will eventually be presented in an exhibition hosted by art centre ddm warehouse in Shanghai. The final work – which in fact is a work in progress worked on since the beginning of the 7th Asia-Europe Art Camp – Art Workshop for Visual Arts 2009/2010, will thus be finalised and shown at ddm warehouse as well as presented at the Luxembourg pavilion at the Expo2010. A publication and/or a DVD documenting the entire programme with the lecturers will be produced in Shanghai.
Moved, Mutated and Disturbed Identities has been set as topic to challenge European and Asian artists to realities and identities in both China and Luxembourg.
Movement, in the context of identity, suggests geographic displacements of a voluntary, involuntary or even forced kind. But it can also evoke distance, itinerary, gaps, and instances of the inexpressible that our own self has to confront in the face of cultures or moral codes distinct from our own. The thematic association of identity and mutation gives rise to a series of hybrid concepts. It enables the building of new identities, helped along by technological means of communication that render the threshold between inner and outer world, between subject and object, between representation and reality, transparent. Disturbance evokes an interruption in the linear development of identities. It carries along inevitable social and political changes—the consequences of which can be multiple, positive and/or negative—in the process of identity-shaping. It can also, in a figurative or psychological sense, bear witness to so-called disorders. In all these cases, probability is high that disturbed identities give way to new, sometimes knotty, relationships with the Other.
In general, the representation of identities is complex. Only parts are visible, because presentable. Reading between the lines, looking behind the façade is made difficult. Whereas represented, thus simplified, identities create fronts and barriers, disturbed ones may open up spaces for negotiation, change, infiltration, segmentation, transformation, alienation, discovery, re-appropriation, …
Movement, mutation, disturbance of identities can happen at micro and macro scales. Individuals, groups, communities, citizens, cities, states etc can be the subjects or objects concerned by these acts and affected to become constructed identities, changing identities, fake identities, multiple identities, lost identities, split identities, refuted identities, hidden identities, repressed identities etc.
The artists are invited to respond to the theme through local contexts, states and situations.
The symposium will take place on 27/08/2010 at Minsheng Art Museum. It includes the ten artists’ interventions on issue of identities and a couple of lectures by artist/curator Richard Streitmatter-Tran and curator/theorist Manray Hsu, as well as a talk on the Key Words project with the artist Xu Tan and fashion designer Zhang Da.
The symposium will be held in English and Chinese with simultaneous translation.
The discussion on identities will start early August with the project of the Shanghai based artist Li Mu along the street on the glass facade of the art centre ddm warehouse. The project entitled My Questions constitutes an open format for discussions related to identities, duties, contradictions and barriers of the contemporary artist who is a part of society.
About the organisers:
This project is a co-operation between the Asia-Europe Foundation, Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain, University of Luxembourg and ddm warehouse Shanghai.
It is realised with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture in Luxembourg in the framework of the official cultural programme of the Luxembourg Pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai and with the logistic support of Minsheng Art Museum for making available the venue for the colloquium.
The Asia-Europe Foundation has been organising art camps to explore and tackle issues concerning contemporary art and new media arts in Asia and Europe since 2003. Young artists from the two regions are brought together in this platform for dialogue, peer-to-peer exchange and collaboration to produce new work. The Camp focuses on the creative process rather than on the artistic product as it is designed to boost the participants’ learning experience and opportunities for their professional development.
Built on similar principles, the Art Workshop was initiated in 1998 by the Luxembourg-born artist Bert Theis (in close collaboration with Paul di Felice) during his art project for Manifesta 2 – European Biennial for Contemporary Art. Every summer since then, Casino Luxembourg – Forum for contemporary art has been organising European art workshops, in partnership with the University of Luxembourg, where young artists from Europe conduct creative and intellectual exchanges. The aim is to challenge them in contemporary art-making through a European platform for research, analysis and the study of contemporary art methods and materials. It allows young artists to present their work and discuss it with contemporary art professionals as well as with other young artists from different cultural backgrounds. At the end of the workshop, the productions are presented in an exhibition at Casino Luxembourg – Forum d'art contemporain.
DDM warehouse is one of the only not-for-profit art spaces in Shanghai. Founded by artists and designers seeking an alternative from the commercial flavour of Shanghai’s art scene, this dynamic space has supported an international roster of alternative, visual and performing arts since 2000. In its nine year existence the space has dazzled Shanghai audiences with an eclectic program of everything from vanguard installations to dance and music performances to video and other more traditional forms of art. Not only proving itself to support artists, the space also regularly collaborates with independent curators. One of ddm warehouse’s recent achievements was its participation in the special project section of the 52nd Venice Biennial with the independently curated exhibition Migration Addicts. Originally based in a cavernous warehouse space north of the Bund on Dong Da Ming Road (hence the name ddm warehouse) the company has recently relocated to Huaihai West Road’s Sculpture Center complex. Surrounded by other galleries and creative industries their self-designed, self-constructed and self-managed building not only houses an impressive exhibition hall but also an artist studio, a café and a spacious window venue. The twenty-four meter long window hosts exhibitions specifically tailored to fit this public venue in an ongoing series known as Art Breathes while the new space’s computer outfitted café serves as a resting place for visitors, a library archiving the Chinese contemporary art, as well as the headquarters of the organization’s ambitious online project, ARTLINKART. This website is an extensive, and constantly growing, database that allows users to cross reference artistic activity throughout China and the world. In their new digs at the Sculpture Center, ddm has already upped the creative ante for their neighbours.
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