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默想· 独白: Makoto Fujimura作品展
展览时间:2010-09-18 ~ 2010-10-17
参展艺术家:Makoto Fujimura
开幕酒会:2010-09-18 (周六) 16:00~18:00

上海 - 双城现代手工艺术馆非常荣幸和自豪地为您带来美国艺术家Makoto FUJIMURA在中国大陆的第一个展览"默想.独白"。Fujimura运用日本画(Nihonga)的技巧、抽象表现主义的表达方式使他的作品简洁却又内涵丰富。作品中天然矿物粉、金银粉等颜料的叠加厚重的反光效果引人入胜,他的视觉语汇也生动地述说着恩典之下的悲伤与希望。



2003-2008年间,Fujimura被美国总统任命为国家艺术委员会委员,他是艺术的忠实拥护者,与当局和政府对话,为制定艺术政策出谋划策。Fujimura的作品在全球很多画廊和美术馆展出,包括Dillon画廊 (纽约), Sen画廊(东京)、东京现代博物馆、东京艺术大学博物馆和Gallery Exit (香港)。他的作品曾被多家美术馆、组织机构以及私人收藏,



SHANGHAI - The twocities gallery is proud to present "Soliloquies", the first solo exhibition of Makoto FUJIMURA in mainland China. A collection of Nihonga paintings in the style of abstract expressionism, Fujimura's paintings are at once luminous and deep. The refractive qualities of the mineral pigments in his paintings transfix the gaze while Fujimura's visual language eloquently articulates the tensions of hope and sorrow under the overriding arc of grace.

Born in 1960 in Boston, Massachusetts, Fujimura received a M.F.A. from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music with a Japanese Governmental Scholarship in 1989. His thesis painting was purchased by the University and he was invited to study in the Japanese Painting Doctorate program, a first for an outsider to this prestigious traditional program. The department was headed by Ikuo Hirayama, and Fujimura studied directly under Matazo Kayama.

Fuijimura began assimilating the combinations of abstract expressionism explored in the US with the traditional Japanese art of Nihonga during his years of studying in Japan. His paintings address the creative process and explore what it means to see. The work moves the observer from cognitive categorization to visceral experience.

A Presidential appointee to the National Council on the Arts (2003-2009), Fujimura has contributed internationally as an advocate for the arts, speaking with decision makers and advising governmental policies on the arts. Fujimura's work is exhibited at galleries around the world, including Dillon Gallery (New York), Sen Gallery (Tokyo), The Contemporary Museum of Tokyo, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts Museum and Gallery Exit (Hong Kong).

The artist will be present at the opening reception.

The twocities gallery is one of the few galleries in China that specializes in contemporary handcrafted art. twocities represents Chinese artists pioneering in glass, ceramic, jewelry and lacquer art. The twocities gallery is dedicated to providing a platform for contemporary craft artists to engage in international dialogue, and in creating space to nurture thoughtful, constructive culture.

September 18, 2010  - October 17, 2010
Opening reception: Saturday, September 18, 16:00 - 18:00
Location: twocities gallery, 50 Moganshan Road, Building 0, 2F, Shanghai
Gallery opening hours: Tues - Fri, 10:00 - 18:00; Sat - Sun, 12:30 - 18:00

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