您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 愉悦悲剧——黄然个展
展览时间:2010-08-21 ~ 2010-09-19
开幕时间:2010-08-21 16:00




黄然1982年生于西昌,中国。目前在北京和伦敦工作。2004年他以年级第一的成绩毕业于Birmingham Institue of Art and Design (英国)获得纯艺术一等荣誉学士学位First Class BA(Hons) Fine Art. 2007年,毕业于Goldsmiths College(英国)纯艺术硕士专业 MFA Fine Art.2009年,黄然成为由欧洲媒体艺术家进驻计划(EMARE),欧盟文化部,以及英国艺术委员会共同支持的16位艺术家之一,在英国和德国完成了艺术家进驻项目。黄然参加的联展包括:第七届巴西Mercosur双年展(2009), .MOVE, Werkleitz, 德国(2009), Où va la vidéo 00.00.02, Fondazione March, 意大利(2009)。个展包括:an Huang, Nika Oblak & Primoz Novak, VIVID, 英国 (2009), Fake Action Truth, GEORGE POLKE, London, 英国(2010)。 



2005-2007 MFA Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University of London 优等纯艺术硕士学位, 伦敦大学Goldsmiths学院
2002-2004 First Class BA(Hons) Fine Art, Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, University of Central England 年级第一优等成绩,纯艺术一等荣誉学士学位,英格兰中部大学伯明翰艺术与设计学院


2010 Fake Action Truth, PRUSSIAN PROJEKTE空间,诺丁汉,英国,由英格兰艺术委员基金会 Arts Council England以及England Lottery Funded支持
2010 Fake Action Truth, George Polke, 伦敦,英国
2009 Ran Huang, Nika Oblak & Primoz Novak, VIVID艺术机构, 伯明翰, 英国, 由英格兰艺术委员基金会 Arts Council England, European Media Arts Network (EMAN)欧洲媒体艺术联合机构以及欧洲文化部European Culture Programme所共同支持和赞助

2010 AND, FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology)美术馆,利物浦,英国
2009 Projectables, 第7届 Mercosur 巴西国际双年展, Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul Ado Malagoli, 巴西
2009 Tina B当代艺术展,布拉格,捷克斯洛伐克
2009.MOVE, Werkleitz, Halle, 德国 由 European Media Arts Network (EMAN)欧洲媒体艺术联合机构以及欧洲文化部European Culture Programme所共同支持和赞助
2009 Kaunas In Art, “上下文”文献展, Meno Parkas艺术馆, Kaunas, 立陶宛
2009 Où va la vidéo 00.00.02, Fondazione March, Padova, 意大利
2008 VaudeVille 100, Green Room, 曼切斯特, 英国
2007 MFA 夏季展, Goldsmiths学院, 伦敦, 英国
2006 Future Film, Camden 艺术中心, 伦敦, 英国
2006 Rag and Bone, Three Colts 画廊,伦敦, 英国
2006 Black Autumn Gold, Meals and SUVs 画廊, 伦敦, 英国
2006 The Union, Studio 8, 伦敦, 英国
2006 Glimpse Below, 43 South Molton Street, 伦敦, 英国
2006 Open Screening, Whitechapel艺术馆, 伦敦, 英国
2004 Target Masters, 纯艺术学院, UCE, 伯明翰, 英国
2004 New Horizons Exhibition 2004, 皇家伯明翰艺术家协会画廊, 伯明翰,英国
2004 The Custard Powder, The Works 画廊, 伯明翰,英国
2003 How Many Artists? The Works 画廊, 伯明翰,英国
2003 New Horizons Exhibition 2003, 皇家伯明翰艺术家协会画廊, 伯明翰,英国


European Media Artists in Residency Exchange (EMARE) 2009, (欧洲媒体艺术家进驻计划2009, 由 European Media Arts Network (EMAN)欧洲媒体艺术联合机构以及欧洲文化部European Culture Programme所共同支持和赞助) VIVID艺术机构, 伯明翰,英国


2009 艺术家公众讲座, 同英国利物浦FACT 艺术机构的执行总监Mike Stubbs先生之间的一次对话, Werkleitz, Halle, 德国
2009 客座导师, MA Media Art and MA Design and Digital Media, 媒体艺术硕士课程, 数字媒体艺术设计硕士课程,考文垂大学艺术与设计学院, 英国
2009 艺术家公众讲座, VIVID艺术机构, 伯明翰,英国

2009 德国独立文化电台RADIO CORAX 95.9FM专访, Germany


2008 ‘Booming’, ArtForum.cn, 中国

2010 7th Mercosur Biennial, 巴西
2010 Où va la vidéo?, Fondazione march, 意大利
2009 .MOVE,  Werkleitz Gesellschaft, 德国
2009 ‘Echo’, 为艺术杂志‘Atlántica’ issue #48-49所做的一个特殊计划, Centro Atlantico De Arte Moderno CAAM, 西班牙, 本计划由独立策展人, 西班牙MUSAC艺术馆总监,美国纽约Performa艺术机构顾问,Octavio Zaya先生提名和支持.


2010 iLook 8月刊, 中国
2009 tagesspiegel Oct issue, 德国
2009 De:Bug Medien, Oct. 2009, 德国
2009 Halle.de, Oct. 2009, 德国
2009 Kunstaspekte.de, Oct. 2009, 德国
2009 Art-in.de, Oct.2009, 德国
2009 NEURAL issue 35, 德国
2009 Monopol.de, Oct.德国
2009 art-magazin.de, Oct.德国

OCTAVIO ZAYA先生生于西班牙, 自1978年起就在纽约工作和生活.目前,他担任Atlántica艺术双语季刊杂志的总监(由西班牙CAAM出版发行),西班牙MUSAC美术馆的特约策展总监及顾问,纽约Harlem地区即将成立的综合性艺术机构ALL CITY的艺术总监,同时也是纽约Performa的顾问委员会的成员,以及Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art编辑委员会成员。
Octavio Zaya曾是2002年第十一届卡塞尔文献展的策展人之一,第一,二届约翰内斯堡双年展的策展人之一。97年在纽约古根汉美术馆策划了展览In/Sight,2000年于西班牙 Centro de Arte Reina Sofia美术馆策划了展览Versiones del Sur. Latinoamerica,同年受邀为伦敦PHAIDON出版社编著著名的Fresh Cream。

Octavio Zaya近期的重要展览包括在MUSAC策划的艺术家 Cerith Wyn Evans(2008年)以及Paul Pfeiffer(2009年)的个展。2010年,同策展人Agustin Perez Rubio以及Maria Inés Rodriguez合作,Octavio Zaya策划了Model Kits/Modelos para Armar (2010年) --- 一个关于拉美艺术家的大型展览。2011年Zaya将会在MUSAC策划艺术家Georges Adéagbo的个展。同期也在策划艺术家 Yinka Shonibare的个展,以及2012年的一个大型展览Activist Architecture。
Space Station is pleased to present a new body of work by artist Ran Huang. Entitled ‘Blithe Tragedy’, the exhibition brings together a new video project and a conceptual slides project. The video takes off from film genre conventions, and moves into a mixture of self-generated mythology and history with extravagant use of cinematic languages. Ambiguity and complexity are the strongest sensations when experiencing this piece.
Through beautifully arresting images, the film explores the uncertainty and complicity between love, sex, violence and death, provoking a temptation of the inextricable aesthetical dislocation of contemporaneity. Further, Huang pushes this subject to a limit by using all male actors in the film rather than conventional syntax of such, which is a malicious deconstruction of power, order, regimentation and value. The outcome of film is complicated in its own beautiful superficiality; the ambiguity makes us quickly question our own feeling towards the queerness of image but also the instinctive blithe reaction to the beautiful fact of image. The viewer has to complete the story for themselves somehow, and so elicits their own desire. Huang produces an intoxication of the rationalised aesthetical irrationality of contemporaneity.
Departing from a conceptual strategy, Huang transfers the footage of Challenger space shuttle disaster and 19 century scientific engravings into stylised slides, placing the imagery between moving images and stills. More importantly, by interrupting the timing, perception is fragmented. The whole sequence illustrates a profound tragedy, but each individual is brutally beautiful as a ‘Fact’, addressing a transition between ‘quality’ aesthetics of perfection and the monstrosity.
Ran Huang was born in 1982 in Xichang, China. He lives and works in London and Beijing. 2004, he graduated from Birmingham Institue of Art and Design with a First Class BA(Hons) Fine Art degree. 2007, he gained his MFA Fine Art degree at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Huang was one of the 16 artists presented by European Media Artists in Residency Exchange (EMARE) 2009 programme, supported by European Culture Programme and Art Council England. Huang has participated in numerous group exhibitions including 7th Mercosur Biennial, Brazil (2009), .MOVE, Werkleitz, Germany (2009), Où va la vidéo 00.00.02, Fondazione March, Italy(2009).Solo exhibitions include Ran Huang, Nika Oblak & Primoz Novak, VIVID, UK (2009), Fake Action Truth, GEORGE POLKE, London, UK (2010).
More information about the artist and the show, with an essay by curator Octavio Zaya will be available to accompany the exhibition at Space Station.

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