展览时间:2010-09-04 ~ 2010-09-04
展览地点:ART LABOR画廊
地点:ART LABOR画廊 上海市永嘉路36号临2(近茂名南路)
莫妮卡·林1968年出生于纽约曼哈顿,孩提时代起她学习绘画、钢琴、小提琴及舞蹈,并且赢得了许多地方和国家视觉艺术奖项。高中时,除了完成日常学业外,她还参加了旧金山艺术学院以及在洛杉矶的奥蒂斯艺术与设计学院的进修课程。 1986年,她以优异的成绩获得奖学金进入美国加州大学圣塔巴巴拉分校的创意学院,学习绘画、版画艺术和行为艺术。完成学业后,莫妮卡搬到旧金山,以艺术家、教育家身份工作生活12年,然后搬到纽约市和堪萨斯城,她在堪萨斯艺术学院讲授艺术理论与实践。数年后因工作变化,莫妮卡移居中国。
目前莫妮卡工作生活在上海,除了ART LABOR画廊代理她的艺术作品,在美国纽约、旧金山、芝加哥及堪萨斯均有艺术画廊代理她的作品。莫妮卡·林用她的装置艺术作品及绘画布满了ART LABOR空间(画廊原址——永嘉路36号临2)。
Monika Lin was born in Manhattan, NY in 1968. She began her studies in the arts as a child (piano, violin, dance, painting and drawing) winning numerous local and national awards in the visual arts. During high school, she attended classes at the Academy of Art in San Francisco and Otis Parsons Art Institute in Los Angeles. In 1986 she accepted a scholarship to the College of Creative Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara where she continued to study painting and drawing as well as printmaking and performance art. After college in Southern California, she moved to San Francisco where she lived and worked for 12 years as an exhibiting artist, educator, and activist before heading to New York City and then Kansas City. In Kansas City she taught painting practice and theory at the Kansas City Art Institute for several years before taking the job that would move her to China.
She was recently given the honour of being a keynote speaker at the CAA's annual conference on the subject of female artists and their present circumstances in China.
She now lives in Shanghai with her husband. Her work is exhibited across the United States and now the world. She is represented by ART LABOR Shanghai and galleries in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Kansas City.
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