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展览时间:2010-09-04 ~ 2010-09-30
开幕酒会:2010-09-04 16:30











By Guo Haiping

Response is usually definite as the animal’s reaction to a stimulus. For human, it is related to the nerve and instinctive of people. For art creation and appreciation, the word response is not used very often, because people may think art creation is the super activity of human which results from people’s careful consideration, and the adoption of response for describing the art creation is a discrimination to human and art. But I don’t think so. People today pay much more attention to our natural property. The lost of natural property has become a severe challenge for modern people. The slow response to various feelings of people and various climates of nature is a degeneration of human nature.

Now the social cultures and knowledge are replacing human nature, and people start to lose the link with the essence of life and nature. The reason why we use Response as the subject of the exhibition is that we shall emphasize the significance of human instinct and nature for art making. Of course, it doesn’t mean that our works for show has realized our dream of returning to nature, but at least the choice of Response as subject shows our desire and efforts for it.

To awake our instinct to a great extent when we are making art, we will try to remove all the interferences and enable ourselves to be into a state of emptiness. Only by this means can the true need of life be revealed, and we therefore have a comfort. What we express by art works are usually our anxiety, struggle, indifference, and emptiness, but they are part of our life.

Our works are the witness of our life, nature, and society. We can feel the dark of our plight and the light of our hope, through which we see our desires and the barriers for achieving those desires. We have to find a way out, despite the extreme difficulties. We choose the word Response as the subject of exhibition with the purpose of stimulating our potential to break through the barriers of stopping the growth of life.

For 20 years Chen Qian is working in an abstract world. Why is he so obsessed with his abstract world? In my point of view, what he is doing is to prove his existence which is reflected by his pure visional works. We can feel his persistence through his visional works. I once told Chen that the form of his abstract works was beautiful, but there seems to be a tragedy behind those beautiful forms. This tragedy is about Chen, and about Shanghai and modern society as well.

Sun Daliang fails to adapt to this society after his graduations from university. Finally he chose a way of life called “asceticism”. He escaped to an island far away from the downtown of Nanjing and stayed there for eight years. He said he looked like a ghost on island when night falls. His works might be the print of ghost, extremely quiet and weird. His works are made by repeatedly covering with colors, which may conceal many secrets. Comparing with the works of other artists, I prefer Sun’s works concerning ghost and mental patients. How can those art works sober-mindedly made arouse our interest in them?

My obsession with art is due to the mysterious strength in art. I may lose the interest in art if someday I think there is nothing mysterious any more in it. The sense for mystery often contributes to our respect for nature. For me, the purpose of making art is to catch those mysterious strengths, and then reveal them. I often felt a great comfort when I did.

Life is a circulation, and so is culture. We believe when some culture goes into a hopeless situation, the only way out is to circulate it. There are circulations between existence and disappearance, birth and death, pain and joy, which show something cruel. The circulation, however, is for the continuity of life, and in some sense, the cruelty is necessary for continuing life; or in other words, there is nothing cruel in the world. The word cruelty is created by us. To respect our natural response, perhaps, is the best choice for us to face our true life.


参展艺术家:陈墙 孙大量 郭海平
开幕酒会:2010年9月4日 16:30
展览地址:圣菱画廊 上海市长宁区淮海西路570号A2-101

Exhibition Name:《Response》

Artist:Chen Qiang, Sun Daliang, Guo Haiping
Exhibition Dates:2010/9/4——2010/9/30
Opening Time:2010/9/4 pm.4:30
Address:Bldg A2-101, No.570 West Huaihai Rd, Changning District,Shanghai
Phone/Fax:021 5230 2981

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