展览时间:2010-09-06 ~ 2010-09-06
展览地点:forget art 龙泉洗浴
策 展 人:马永峰
参展艺术家:Alessandro Rolandi(意)、Barbara Balfour(加)、Michael Yuen(澳)、Stephanie Shepherd(加)、Ulrike Johannsen(奥)、Yam Lau(加)、 蔡卫东、陈曦、陈督兮、邓大非、杜辉、杜瑞清、傅玮佳、高峰、高铭、高瑜、郭工、何意达、黄佳、黎薇、李博、梁冰、刘斌、马永峰、慕辰、乔星月、任波、邵译农、盛剑锋、石玩玩、陶辉、王光乐、吴迪、吴小军、徐小国、杨心广、杨光南、张雪瑞、赵一浅
主办单位:forget art 龙泉洗浴
“龙泉洗浴”是草场地离画廊区最近的一家澡堂,很多人可能已经多次经过它,不过并没有太过留意。forget art将会重新利用这个特定的“公共性”私密空间,试图重新发现和定义这个空间的属性和存在于其中的特定语境。事实上什么都不会改变,我们只是以一种低姿态的可忽略的美学观在其中展开有针对性的“微干预”,从赋予特定意义的现成品到情境的重新抽离,从声音和记忆的关系到物体中的时间性……
Dragon Fountain is the public bathhouse closer to the gallery area at Caochangdi, many people may have passed it several times, but not pay too much attention on it. forget art will re-use this particular “public” private space, we are trying to rediscover and redefine the attribute of this space and the presence of a specific context in which. In fact nothing will change, we are just attemting to make some site-specific “micro intervention” which embody an aesthetics of low-profile and ignorance. From readymade endowed with specific meaning to detached situation from daily life; from relationship between memory and voice to timing factor of found objects … …
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