展览时间:2010-09-09 ~ 2010-11-07
开幕时间:2010-09-09 (周四) 16:00
Undoubtedly,it is the unique glamour and value of Liao Guohe’s artwork made us to choose him collaborating with us to hold the first solo painting exhibition since Magician space has been found. Sep 9th to Nov 7th, in our space, you can enjoy the artworks which the artist prepared specifically for this exhibition. Thank you for your attention.
1977年 出生于加尔各答
2001年 结业于圣塔芭芭拉加州大学机械制图专业
2010年9月 廖国核 磨金石空间 北京
2010年5月 乌克兰 小平画廊 上海
2008年9月 悄悄崛起的商业沙龙暨蠢人岸边无用的国王——吴山专王兴伟
廖国核卖创造展 小平画廊 上海
2010年 丛林——中国当代艺术生态管窥,站台中国,北京
2009年 当代艺术展在松江——资产阶级化了的无产阶级,创意工坊,上海
2005年 阿姆斯特丹情色艺术展,阿姆斯特丹
2003年 浏阳诗歌吟诵会,浏阳国际风情馆,浏阳
2001年 美国田纳西州烟花造型艺术节,田纳西州
Liao Guohe
1977 born in Calcutta.
2001 Graduated from University of California, Santa Barbara, UCSB, Mechanical
He is based in Changsha, Hunan Province.
Solo Exhibition
2010.9 Liao Guohe, Magician Space, Beijing;
2010.5 Ukrainian, Shopping Gallery, Shanghai;
2008.9 Quietly Appeared Commercial Salon, i.e. Useless King on the Shore of the
Fools, Shopping Gallery, Shanghai.
Group Exhibition
2010 A Close-up Focus on Chinese Contemporary Art Trends, Platform China,
2009 Contemporary Art In SongJiang--Bourgeois oriented proletariat, Creative Workshop, Shanghai;
2005 Amsterdam Erotic Art Exhibition, Amsterdam;
2003 LiuYang Poetry Reciting Meeting , International Customs Of Liuyang , Liuyang;
2001 Tennessee Catharine Molding Festival, Tennessee.
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