您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 《献给麻妮妹客》——李明、林科、杨俊岭三人联展
展览时间:2010-09-10 ~ 2010-09-30
开幕时间:2010-09-10 (周五) 17:00




李明(1986年生)的录像强调了那些近乎本能的心理感受和情感诉求以及与身体有关的细节,他作品也试图讲述一个日常生活里的半虚构故事。林科(1984年生)用平常生活里的物件做成一些简易装置,以意向不到的角度转换赋予原来物体一个全新的意义。 杨俊岭(1983年生)的录像和装置作品表达了在普通背景中的一些令人目眩、意想不到的若干场景。


Dedicated to money makers | Li Ming, Lin Ke, Yang Junling

Opening: September 10th, 2010, Friday, 17:00
Exhibition dates: September 11th to 30th, Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00
Venue: MadeIn Space  4/F, Bldg 7, 50 Moganshan Road, 200060 Shanghai
T: +86 21 62985696 / F: +86 21 62504562

“Dedicated to money makers” presents works by Li Ming, Lin Ke and Yang Junling. Three artists, three friends, who have been living and creating together, sharing their thoughts and ideas, since the first time they met in 2006 at the China Academy of Art.

Their works often focus on various aspects of their daily life, random objects and leisure games. Their videos, partly improvised, present them alternatively in the role of the artist or the subject (filming and being filmed), and reflect a tacit understanding, individual opinions and spontaneous attitudes.

In his videos, Li Ming (born in 1986) emphasizes basic, almost instinctive, human feelings and body-related details, or narrates semi-fictional stories taking place in a daily life environment. Lin Ke’s(b.1984) minimal installations propose new perspectives as well as insolite functions to common materials or objects, giving them a new definition. Videos and installations of Yang Junling (b.1983) present bewildering, unexpected scenes in an ordinary background.

This exhibition constituting MadeIn Space’s first exhibition will be held from September 10th to 30th, 2010.

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