展览时间:2010-09-26 ~ 2010-10-07
开幕酒会:2010-09-26 (周日) 15:00
来自城市小村落的喜莲创作坊(Helene Studio ),成立於九十年代初。在十多个年头中,营造出一个从容自若的创意空间;透过师生之间互动互重的关係,一起翱游於视觉艺术的美妙世界,尝试以多向度思考去拓阔视野,以心灵去感悟,并应用不同的媒体,以多样的製作形式,创作出一件又一件的作品。
Balmy autumn breeze -- Helene Studio Exhibition, 2010 Venue Partnership Programme
Helene Studio has emerged from its humble country origin since the early 1990s, offering an artscape evolved through interactive, teacher-inspired creative projects. Children are led to feel the wonders of art with their heart, appreciate its myriad beauty and create works of their own in different media and with varied techniques.
This autumn, we are joyfully celebrating this season of harvest, presenting over a hundred works --in 2-D or 3-D, individual or teamwork, live tidbits, times and circumstances, saluting awesome artists.....
in this kaleidoscopic realization of our dreams, which we fondly wish you could share.
We await your taking the road less travelled, away from the throngs, sauntering into (Venue), and sample our first fruits.
Date:26/09- 07/10/2010
Venue:Artist Commune, Unit 12, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, Kowloon, HK
Time:12:00 - 8:00pm (Closed on Mondays)
Opening Reception:26/09/2010(Sun) 3:00 pm
Presenter:Helene Studio G/F & 1/F, 18, Nam Kau, Kak Tin Village, Tai Wai, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Enquiry:Helene Studio - (852) 2608 0417/ helenestudio777@gmail.com
Artist Commune - (852) 2104 3322/ m63@artist-commune.com/ www.artist-commune.com
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