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展览时间:2010-09-18 ~ 2010-10-23
开幕时间:2010-09-18 16:00~19:00




3,720:Recent Works by Wang Tiande
September 18 – October 23, 2010

Chambers Fine Art Beijing is pleased to announce the opening of 3,720: Recent Works by Wang Tiande.

Chambers Fine Art Beijing will open Wang Tiande’s solo exhibition 3,720: Recent Works by Wang Tiande on September 18. Wang Tiande recently received his Ph.D. in calligraphy from the renowned China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, and holds the position of Dean and Professor at the Art and Design Department in Fudan University, Shanghai. Wang Tiande is best known for his art creations that incorporate traditional Chinese ink and brush and cigarette-burn marks, but for his first solo show in Beijing Wang he incorporates materials related to his recent interest in literature. In March 2009 Wang was visiting artist at the University of Kansas and often walked back and forth to the Spencer Museum of Art. Observing people exercising, jogging and walking at different speeds, he envisioned writing a novel which eventually became the subject of the present exhibition he titled 3,720.

In the novel, the main character Lin Wai takes a walk every night after work from his home to a nearby park. One day he counts the number of steps he takes during the walk and discovers that the number is 3,720. From that day on he tries to repeat the number every time he takes the walk but as a result of all kinds of unexpected distractions and incidents never achieves the same number again. The story comments on the uncertainty of an ordinary life, which on its surface consists of repetitive actions but is always subject to unexpected diversions. During the course of the novel, Lin Wai’s career changes from a journalist at a state-owned publishing house to an entrepreneur of a photo studio. The story of Lin Wai can be read as a distillation of the lives of millions of Chinese citizens, whose lives went through dramatic changes when the country abandoned socialism as it turned towards a market-oriented economy.

For one of the galleries in the Beijing exhibition Wang Tiande has created a series of ink drawings and sketches to accompany and illustrate the novel. The gallery is set up as a reading room with sofas and chairs, where visitors are encouraged to sit down, read the novel, and enjoy his artwork. In the other gallery recent examples of his signature landscapes will also be exhibited.


后 记




今年的夏天,上海最高温度达到40度以上。有一天,驾车行驶在沪闵高架上,汽车的仪表盘显示出 43.3度,能真实地感受到窗外的温度。8月,整整一个月每天都在工作室度过,每天都会慢慢地去寻找感觉,通常都是在下午5点到10点左右才会产生这些故事的虚拟情景。在前期的写作过程中,完全被故事的情节处于一种虚拟与真实的状态。而后期的修改工作更是让小说的故事转换与形式的确定,倾注了不少心血。



The following text is the postscript from artist Wang Tiande’s newly published short novel entitled 3720. This short novel is the point of departure for his series of new works at shown at Chambers Fine Art.


In March of 2009, while I was a visiting artist at the University of Kansas, I often walked back and forth from my house to the Spencer Museum of Art. On the way there, I saw many people exercising, jogging or walking on the hilly path. From that point on I envisioned writing a novel and supplying background material for a scheme, illustrations, and digital series and video work for exhibition.

From the second half of last year up until this past May, I have been busy completing my PhD. dissertation, and thus have postponed all other work. Chambers Fine Art and I have worked together for the past seven or eight years, and Chris had always hoped that I could provide an exhibit during their 10th anniversary year. To me, the timing created a lot of pressure.

The combination of text and image has long been one of the core themes in my work. The background and personality of the main character Lin Wai arose from a virtual state. At the dawning of the 21st century, society’s new career values create a new individual commentary while the Internet’s methods of virtual communication have permanently altered the landscape of emotional understanding and liberation. 3,720 is a novel, literature program, work in ink, and video that embodies the individual’s perceptions of both real and virtual society in a time of uncertainty.

The novel is divided into eleven chapters, with the fourth chapter “Take A Step” and fifth, “Count A Step” serving as the beginning. In all future installations of the exhibition and readings of the text, according to the changes in the story, the exhibition may be viewed from either the left or right, but must be installed in the same fashion each time.

This summer in Shanghai, the temperature regularly exceeded 40 degrees Celsius. One day, while driving on the elevated highway, the instrument panel of my car registered the outside temperature as 43.3 degrees Celsius and I could truly feel the heat outside my window. I spent the entire month of August in my studio, slowly finding the feeling, and it was often evening before the ideas for the story would come to me. In the early stages of writing, the most important element was the plot and its sense of the virtual and real. But during the revision process, I spent consideration effort shaping the story by form instead.

3,720 is my personal attempt to create a background for another new artistic vocabulary, one that reflects our way of life through the interaction between text and moving image, even though I do not know what the next step for this new language might be. The novel’s plot twists and visual style naturally follow the “Take a step, count a step” pattern, to share with you in the future…

Shanghai, August 2010

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