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展览时间:2010-09-18 ~ 2010-10-18
开幕酒会:2010-09-18 16:00~18:00






Soemo Fine Arts is happy to present four different artist of exceptional expression in the new exhibition "Beyond the Broken Skin". All four offer a rare glimpse behind the surface - skin - of extreme reality, experienced daily by the modern Chinese urban citizen.

Liu Baoming is concerned with Self-alienation. He sees this as the product of a "self" set in a consumerist society and a materialistic system. He decided to express this in the form of the appearance of the "Self" as a broken visual experience. The series "Extreme Illusion" is a visual account, which opposes the sense of reality.

Zhang Haiying's "Anti-Vice Campaign" series tells a complex story of destitution, desperation, abuse and entrapment, the side effects of modern economics, urban migration and technological progress - the human cost of the present commodity civilization. By re-contextualizing the way prostitution is represented and perceived, Zhang's paintings strive to convey the human condition, with all its indignities and weaknesses, as a duplicitous victimization of both the oppressed and oppressors.

Liu Xintao's "Despondent Night" is characterized by its homo-chrome colors and irregular frames. The homo-chrome color represents the dark night and the irregular frames might be a suggestion of despondence. Although the theme of "Despondent Night" is the materialization of human beings and the loss of their subjectivity, the artist naturally harmonizes this contradiction.

Huang Yin's works depict the historical era of Mao. The most interesting aspect of her images of the Mao Culture is actually the disappearance of Mao's own image. The artist recalls this history not through Mao but some specific scenes that represented that era - red banners, slogans, large-scale production campaigns, large-scale iron & steel making drive, model operas and so on. Huang Yin's image narration through the private eye carries special significance due to its personalized features.

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