展览时间:2010-09-24 ~ 2010-10-16
开幕时间:2010-09-24 16:00
梁伟运用录像和绘画进行创作。她的绘画作品反映了当代社会中不断累积的一种感觉—既被迫对每日轰炸我们的大量事务和思想进行拣择和吸取,展现一种近乎混乱的复杂性,但却在混乱的边缘保持了某种有序和完整性,喻示我们所在的广阔环境的岌岌可危。 梁伟的影像作品探索人们的内在生命和社群记忆间的关系。她的作品具有一种韵律感,以其特定的节奏揭示出肉眼捕捉不到的元现实,而这元现实恰是通过种种眼见的事物来暗示的。
LIANG Wei solo show
24 Sept – 16 Oct 2010 Opening: 24 Sept, 4-6pm
Liang Wei is a painter and video artist based in Beijing. Her paintings reflect a feeling of accumulation in contemporary society, the oppressive feeling of being forced to consume and digest the mass of objects and ideas that bombard us every day. Liang’s giant canvases have complex and intricate compositions that hover on the edge of chaos but remain somehow structured and complete, suggesting to us the precariousness of our wider situation. Liang Wei’s videos explore the relationship between people’s inner life and a more social memory. Her work uses a sense of rhythm to convey a meta-reality hidden from the eye, but is nevertheless hinted at through everything we see.
The video works presented in the exhibition “In-Between” have been made in the past year. Bubble shows the industrial past of Suzhou Creek oozing back to the surface, creating abstract aesthetic patterns on the water surface; Gesture II explores three versions of the same thing, where either the person is the same, or the internal emotional state is the same; Breathe is a meditation on the relationship between form and time; and the empty shell of twentieth century industrial utopias and their cultural legacies are articulated by the work Midnight. Together, these four video works describe the two sides of our life; the larger narratives that create our external context, and the internal processes we keep hidden and vague.
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