您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 来自圣地的雕塑——约拿丹·达蒙雕塑展
展览时间:2010-10-01 ~ 2010-11-30
策 展 人:成国琴、爱伟山
开幕酒会:2010-10-17 (周日) 15:00~18:00






约拿丹·达蒙 卡萨布兰卡(1994)


1967  绘画与雕塑. 图卢兹巴黎高等艺术美术学院
1968  图卢兹绘图和图形艺术学校
1978  海法大学——雕塑大师de Quitt艺术工作室——雕塑家 M. Ziffer
1978-87  罗斯柴尔德艺术学校雕塑教师
1985-95  西加利利学院(Acco)雕塑教师
1984  获以色列画家与雕塑家全国总工会认可
1985  萨法德艺术家聚居区成员
1990  萨法德艺术家聚居区Palais Contesse Lille展览策展人
1992-95  萨法德艺术家聚居区主席


1970  图卢兹绘画艺术学校一等奖
1976  里昂国际展览一等奖
1978  海法Beit Aba choushi个人展
1979  特拉维夫Beit Sokolov个人展
1980  特拉维夫Rosonfeld画廊个人展
1983  以色列Nahariya博物馆个人展
1985  巴黎Saphir画廊个人展
1985  耶路撒冷Mishkenot Sheananim个人展
1988-2007  纽约Jawitz中心国际艺术博览会
1990  海法法国艺术中心个人展
1996  纽约Nanuet艺术展一等奖展览
1998  纽约Nanuet艺术展特等奖展览
1998  克利夫兰阿格农学校展览
2000  亚特兰大Deljou艺术画廊
2000  克利夫兰阿格农学校
2001  迈阿密椰林会议中心展览
2007  加拿大多伦多世界艺术博览会
2007  克利夫兰
2007  荷兰



青铜栏杆,卡梅利亚“Ohel Shem”犹太会堂,海法
大卫(达杜)埃拉扎尔青铜半身像,地区体育中心,Afula Weiss教授,以色列
加拿大参议院前发言人Guy Charbonneau先生
Merv Adelson先生,洛杉矶电视台制片人


EXHIBITION DATES: Oct. 01 TO Nov. 30, 2010
OPENING VERNISSAGE: Oct.17, 2010, Sun. 3:00pm to 6:00pm (speech at four)
VENUE: XYZ Gallery, D05 OF 798 Art Center Beijing (798 middle second street)
CURATOR: Catherine Cheng & Avishay Gottdiener
Contact: 010 8459 9299/13701104223, www.xyzartgallery.com

"The Touch of Spirit"
The Sculptures of Jonathan Darmon
Written by Shirly Meshulam

The soft, bright air which enwraps the mountains surrounding the spiritual city of Zefat and steeps it in a heavenly atmosphere is the life source of sculptor Jonathan Darmon’s creative imagination. His sculptures are drawn in quick, long and dynamic lines, like musical notes dancing in the space around him. Forms arte assembled and delicately placed where they belong. They open, stretch, gather, become thicker and thinner and constantly change until reaching their final shape, when they breath the touch of the spirit, of the artist’s creative spirit. But even then, Darmon is still not satisfied. He puts the sketches he has made to one side and only looks at them again after a long time. He considers them again and again with a critical eye, asking himself if the three-dimensional models are mature enough to attain their final form and come to life in bronze, the material with which he loves to deal. Having worked for many years in the foundry of Haifa, Darmon has gained total control in handling this unique sculpture medium.

A glance at the rich variety of the artist’s works shows us his mastery of the seventeenth different processes needed to produce bronze sculptures. The sculptures shine in patinas of rich colors (blue, jade, green, brown and gold), some are in a pointillist technique combining a great number of colors, as in the Trilogy and others are in a smooth and even chromatic patina. Darmon chooses the required shade and treats the surface meticulously with his burner and his paint-brush in order to achieve the desired effect.

Darmon creates his sculptures in the enchanting atmosphere of Zefat, one of the most spiritual places in Israel. This unique city, with its tombs of righteous rabbis, was in the eighties a blooming artistic and cultural center; today it is home to many religious people, and is still wrapped in a mysterious veil made of light reflected through the windows of Darmon’s gallery. The gallery lies in the center of Zefat’s artists’ colony, an attraction for tourists from all over the world. The sculptures displayed in the gallery are characterized by their fine, elegant lines, and a gracefulness which captivates visitors, many of who want to touch and embrace them to absorb their energy. These sculptures represent values of universal beauty, of harmony, serenity, peace and love. It is therefore not surprising that they have become so popular, are purchased by several galleries and found in many private collections all over the world. Jonathan Darmon’s spirit is very closely attached to the city of Zefat, to its culture and history. He acted in the eighties as the chairman of the artists’ colony and largely contributed to its blossoming, making it an attraction for artist, teachers, students and intellectuals from Israel and from abroad.

Darmon creates his sculptures in forms suggesting universal cultural signs which symbolize the most primary human essence, love, and the touch of spirit, the spirit of the artist. Darmon’s sculpture of is a kind of ‘three-dimensional painting in space,’ ‘the spirit poetry of matter.’

BIO OF JONATHAN DARMON. Casablanca (1944)


1967 Draw and Sculpture. Ecole des Beaux Arts de Toulouse
1968 Ecole de dessin et Arts graphiques Toulouse
1978 University of Haifa - Art Studio of Master Sculpter de Quitt - Sculpter M. Ziffer
1978-87 Teacher of Sculpture in Rotchild Art school
1985-95 Teacher of Sculpture in Western Galilee college (Acco)
1984 Agree from National Union peinter and sculpter from Israel
1985 Membre of Artist Colony of Safad
1990 Curator of Exhibition for Artits Colony Safad in Palais Contesse Lille.
1992-95 Cherman of Artist Colony Safad


1970 First prize Ecole de dessin et arts graphiques de Toulouse
1976 First prize International Exhibition Lyon
1978 One man show Beit Aba Choushi Haifa
1979 One man show Beit Sokolov Tel Aviv
1980 One man show Rosenfeld Gallery Tel Aviv
1983 One man show Nahariya Museun Israel
1985 One man show Saphir Gallery Paris
1985 One man show Mishkenot Sheananim Jerusalem
1988-2007 International Art Expo Jawitz Center New York
1990 One man show French Cultural Center Haifa
1996 First prize Exhibition Nanuet Art Show New York
1998 Grand prize Exhibition Nanuet Art Show New York
1998 Exhibition Agnon School Cleveland
2000 Deljou Art Gallery Atlanta
2000 Agnon school Cleveland
2001 Exhibition Convention Center Coconut Grove Miami
2007 Art Expo Toronto Canada
2007 Cleveland
2007 Holland

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