展览时间:2010-10-04 ~ 2010-10-24
策 展 人:魏星
开幕酒会:2010-10-04 17:30
这一代艺术家不太关注意识形态的价值判断, 而 更多地忠实于他们个人的内心感受的表达。闫珩以第一名的专业成绩毕业于鲁迅美术学院第叁画室,他的作品既触动现实,以一个年轻人的视角去观看和表现当下的社会景观,同时又把想像的符号与现实的画面融合在一起,在其中又有年轻艺术家的心理欲望的隐秘交织,从而呈现出一种生动而又奇诡的图像,画面既有现实主义 的风格,又充满了表现主义的色彩。
申大鹏的作品则更多的是对于艺术家自身的内心心理活动的关照,他的作品以极为细腻和高度写实的手法,去表现身边熟悉的人和事物。但它们又并非是现实主义的,而是带有超现实的风格,并且把流行的卡通样式与超级写实的技巧完美地结合在一起,从而形成了他自己的个人风格。观看他的作品犹如一次深入艺术家内心梦境与 情感世界的探索,在由丰富的色彩与形式交织成的想像空间里旅行。
闫珩1982年生于中国辽宁,2007年毕业于鲁迅美术学院, 现生活工作于北京
申大鹏1983年生于中国辽宁,2006年毕业于天津美术学院, 现生活工作于大连
Yan Heng and Shen Dapeng are post-80’s artists, after graduating from their respective art academies, they both chose painting to be their life-time careers. They have highly acclaimed academic backgrounds, their skills shown through excellent foundations in realistic and expressive painting abilities stands out among post-80’s artist, their rich imagination and spirit of independent thought gives their artworks a sense of attentiveness to reality and at the same time, allows them to break away from the cliché of the iconic, borrowing and the symbolic of their predecessors which results in the lacking of emotions and sensibilities. Thus the elegant images filled with strange imaginations are created which rings with the deepest sensitivities of its viewers.
Artists of this generation care little about ideology, instead they devote their creativity to the expression of their inert emotions and feelings. Being one of them, Yan Heng graduated from No.3 Studio, Lu Xun Academy of Fine Art. His artworks touches upon the reality in which the society is observed from the perception of the youths where the icons of imagination and the reality are interwoven, where the desires and secrets of the youths too are the overall groundings, creating lively and strange images of realism but in an manner of expressionism.
Shen Dapeng’s artworks reflect more of his psychological activities, he uses highly detailed and representational methods in the portrayal of people and the environments around him. More surrealistic than representational, his style is the perfect merge of the hyper-realistic and the cartoon/comic. Looking at his artworks is like a voyage through the dreamscape of the artist filled with colours and forms.
Yan Heng was born in Liaoning in 1982, he graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Art in 2007, he is now working and living in Beijing.
Shen Dapeng was born in Liaoning in 1983, he graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Art in 2006, he is now working and living in Dalian.
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