您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 因为单纯,所以震撼——刘野,李贵君,王沂东部分版画展
展览时间:2010-10-15 ~ 2010-11-30
开幕时间:2010-10-15 13:00~17:00

第一次去上海莫干山50号,被一张阮玲玉抽烟的油画深深吸引。觉得这个学生画家特别有潜质,太喜欢,当场买下,没还价,2000。事隔二个月后,才知道,那是一副学生临摹作品,最多也就200左右。换言之,是幅假画。真正的原画作者是个叫刘野的,与我一样,都是70后。从《阮玲玉》,到《小海军》,《蒙特里安》,再到《BIG BLUE GIRL》。苏富比,佳士得一次次的落槌,都在不断刷新这些作品的最高价。每幅作品,都深深的印在我心里,每当我面对《蒙特里安》,我都非常激动,无论看过多少遍,都安奈不住被打动的心。静静的小女孩背影,面对着大师蒙特里安的作品:一幅简单的由几条线勾勒的画。心中泛起的就是片刻的宁静。之后,在看了一篇刘野的采访中,刘野说:我的画最能打动心里单纯的人,他们最能受到我的震憾。


策展人 徐娴

Shocked by the pure ------The silk-print works of Liu Ye, Li Guijun, Wang Yidong

When I first visited to the M50 in Shanghai, I was fascinated with an oil painting painted with a smoking woman named Ruan Lingyu. I love the young painter whom I think him with special potentials, so I bought his painting without any hesitation in 2,000 yuan. After two months, I happened to know that it is only a copy painted by a student. In another word, it is a copy. The original artist is Liu Ye whom was borned in 1970’s as well as me. The works of Liu Ye such as the <<Ruan Lingyu>>, the <<Little Navy>>, the  <<Mondrian>> and the <<BIG BLUE GIRL>>. The auction houses like Sotheby and Christie make the price of these works keeping rising. Whenever I face to the<<Mondrian>>, I always feel very exited. There is a figure of a little girl and the little girl is facing a piece work of Mondrian which painted with some simple lines. It brings quiet. Liu Ye said that the people who are pure can easily understand his masterpiece.
Welcome to join us into the pure artistic world and enjoy the masterpiece of Liu Ye.

Curator: Xu Xian

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