您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 梦的绽放——哈皮特油画北京个展
展览时间:2010-11-14 ~ 2010-12-13
开幕时间:2010-11-13 15:00~18:00




你会在皮特的作品中真切的感受到这两个特征。皮特早年是一个放射科专家,这位什么都愿意尝试的人,即像是一个放荡不羁的文化人又像是一个游走于都市的漫游者。当年他在通过电离射线和电脑断层图片扫描诊断时认识到了生命与色彩的关系(色彩一词在古德语中即意味着生命)。也正应此,其绘画作品的表现也如同放射程序亦或三维诊断方式般,吸收了X-光的同时又进行了不同程度的透水重叠处理; 又好似细胞分子在不同图片的清晰度上进行交换。同样,生命透视不是在讲一个故事,而是扑捉一个瞬间。这个瞬间似乎就是生命累积的自我反射点。





哈皮特博士 CV简历

1959: 高中毕业,五年级学习艺术、绘画、医药。
1965: 医疗科学博士毕业,以优等生论文毕业。
截至1999年: 从事医疗放射工作, 在慕尼黑与其他放射科专家共同建立大型医疗机构。
自1959年开始致力于绘画艺术:开始日本水墨画,然后使用水粉和丙烯绘画;自1998 年开始油画,同年加入“School of S’Arbocar”艺校继续学习绘画,师从 Mike Keilbach。
自2002,成为慕尼黑大学艺术院校的成员,师从教授 Dr. Sean Cully。
2007年2月: 获得艺术类绘画专业学士学位
自1990 在德国慕尼黑和奥地利参加过多次个展和群展。

摘自蒙田的文章(Michel de Montaingne)




Opening Reception: 2010-11-13, Sat. 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Exhibition Dates: Nov.14, 2010 to Dec.13, 2010 (from Tuesday to Sunday, 10:30AM to 6:00PM)
Venue: XYZ Gallery, D05 OF 798 Art Center Beijing (798 middle second street)

I paint-so I am

Colour, colour, colour. Colour is the constituent element of Peter Hartel's world of pictures. His paintings are identical to himself. Like colour is an expression of emotions and sensitivities, a colourful outfit is a self-evident part of Dr. Peter Hartel's personality.

“Behind each painting there must be person who embeds two features into its personality: the impulse of passion and impulse of order” (S. Scully). You will find both features with Dr. Hartel. The radiologist Hartel admits being a do-all, Bohemian and flaneur. An expert in his special area, he demonstrates a homage towards life with ionizing rays, computer tomography and other picture delivering diagnostics (historically, the word “colour” was meaning nothing but “life” in old German language). Due to his original profession as radiologist, the perception of a picture from various directions in a split-image procedure is reflected in his pictures like using three-dimensional diagnostic methods, absorbing x-rays while at the same time also using permeable and overlapping picture views from various positions; the switching between different picture levels including switching of small picture elements. Likewise, transcendency of life does not tell a story but captures a moment. This moment is similar to self-reflection pointing at the “sum of living”.

Compact colour forms are mixed intuitively against light line nettings, heavy dark colour settings stand against light and bright transparency. Extremes clash with each other and compose an interesting contrast medium. These pictures are representative of energy and sexual virility. His hands-on painting in a playful manner are creating picture compositions fed by coincidence and spontaneity and lead to concentrated and straight but pictorial (doctor’s) practice.

Peter Hartel illustrates secrets of our inner life, thereby opening a new dimension of the true, relaxed reality. To cut it short: painting for life, life loves colour, therefore: live your life!

“I paint – so I am”

Dr. Peter C. Hartel

Ubidoc ibi art
CV – Curriculum vitae
Born: 01.10.1939
1959: End of High School (German: Abitur), with grade 5 (“deficient”) in art / painting

Study of Medicine
1965: Ph.D. MD, (Dr. med.) in medical science, dissertation with magna cum laude
Until 1999: General Practitioner (GP) as radiologist and establishment of large medical practice in cooperation with other radiologists in Munich
Since 1959 engaged in art and painting: first, drawings in Japanese ink, then water colour and acryl, since 1998 also oil paintings and in the same year foundation of the painting and art school “School of S’Arbocar” together with Mike Keilbach
Since 2002 Member of the Class of Prof. Dr. Sean Cully, Academy of Artist / University of Munich
February 2007: Batcheller Degree (German: Diploma in Art) in art and painting
Since 1990 numerous individual and combined exhibitions in Munich and Austria
Dr. Hartel is living in Munich (Bavaria, Germany) together with his wife as self-independent artist. They are married since July 1965 and have 2 daughters.

Michel de Montaingne - Essays

Amongst all novelties of the world the most common and widest spread is the striving for esteem and glory to which we devote ourselves to such an extent that we often even sacrifice wealth and tranquility, health and life for them, thus real and essential goods in order to chase the illusion of these two words which are but hollow words and which have nothing that is tangible and to which on could stand to.

Philosopher and twice Mayor, Bordeuax, 1580

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