展览时间:2010-11-07 ~ 2010-11-30
开幕时间:2010-11-06(周六) 16:00~19:00
展览时间:2010年11月7日 - 30日
每天上午11点 – 下午6点
Anni Ma 13601028013 (中文/English)
Karel Dudesek 186 1005 6552 (English / German)
the next 21 artists from Austria
Twenty one Austrian artists show their works in China for the first time as a group show. This exhibition is exceptional because almost all works have been created by the artists during their stay in China. These works are personal explorations drafted in an individual artistic language which negotiates between the grammars of the East and the West. The exhibition offers an inside view of 21 Austrian artists:
Hannes Boeck, Marbot Fritsch, Elisabeth Grübl, Harald Gsaller, Mike Hentz, Anna Hofbauer, Lieve D´hondt, Heimo Lattner, Wie -yie Lauw, Thomas Lehner, Sonia Leimer, Christian Mayer, Johann Neumeister, Katrin Plavcak,Almut Rink, Bianca Regl, Klaus Schafler, Christof Schlegel, Florian Schmeiser, Gerlinde Zeiler, and Joseph Francis Rock,
how their perception is inspired and translated into artistic methods, to project a different view on place, form and content. Twenty one Austrian artists lived in China, became accommodated to habits and rituals. Memorized, translated in to videos, movies, drawings, sculptures, photographs, texts, their artistic expression. Questioned the historical dimensions, did research while walking through cities and across China with their own individual artistic methods. For some it was a momentary configuration, for others a live changing experience.
ASAP cinema presents, contemporary movies from Austria:
Hannes Boeck, shows "New Hefei" , 30 min
Thomas Lehner, shows "Los Refrigeradores" 60 min
Johann Neumeister, shows "Gerkan, Scheeren, Speer" 20 min
We cordially invite you to the opening afternoon Saturday the 6th of November 4-7pm.
The exhibition is open daily from 11am – 6pm, till 30. November 2010
For further information or interview requests contact the gallery Anni Art,
Call 136 0102 8013 Anni Ma , Chinese / English
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