展览时间:2010-12-01 ~ 2010-12-23
开幕时间:2010-12-01(周三) 18:00~20:00
在“流水人生”展览的作品中,这位北京女画家要保留下来的,不是似水流年的人 生,她目的在寻找某剎那的定格,凸显着流水人生中可贵之处。
马嬿泠在自白中说:「我用中国绘画的古典白描,為这些容颜(画中 人)蒙上一层面纱,就像时间为记忆蒙上尘埃。於是,我笔尖就成 了时钟的秒针,一笔笔丈量出一根根线条,编织出一张时间之网,用它去定格某一瞬间的花样年华。」
在艺评她的作品时,有中国当代艺术教父之称的栗宪庭先生表示,“马嬿泠以繁复的线条格子,不是凸显其视觉结果,而在乎的是整个绘製过 程,更重要的是这个过程就像生活本身,如同流水的人生...。在这简单、繁复的工作中,作品的每一根线条,每一个格子,就像人生的每一刻,日覆一日,年覆 一年,繁繁复复,逝者如斯,表达的不是观念,而是一种人生体验。”
在马嬿泠的笔下,她的画中人没有被时间消磨掉,都变为“无时”,不会因时间的过 去而幻灭,并且都停留在那最感人的一瞬间。马燕令说这些 中、外明星都是很多人往昔的集体回忆,把她们捕捉在画中,让眾人相信这一颗颗明星可永远佔据着他们心底的夜空。
Paintings by Ma Yanling
1st – 23rd December, 2010
Art Beatus Gallery
50 Peel Street, G/F, SOHO, Hong Kong
Artist will be present in the Opening Reception
December 1st, 2010 (Wednesday), 6pm to 8pm
Ma Yanling doesn't want to draw too much attention to the personalities whom she has portrayed in her works. To her, their lives are of no particular significance. She just uses their faces to bring back collective memories.
Like flowing water, life drifts by us casually and continuously and there are moments in life that people with the same interest share. Ma strives, in her works, to re-ignite those certain moments with faces of some stellar figures of the last century to help her in preserving time.
In her artist's statement, Ma said, "I use the line drawing technique of classical Chinese painting to lay a thin veil over those faces, very much similar to the effect of obscurity that time leaves on memories. The tip of my painting brush, thus, becomes the ticking hand on the face of the clock. With each and every stroke of the brush, I painstakingly delineate each and every line weaving out a net of time. This net is used to capture those certain sparks of beauty at their prime."
Mr. Li Xianting, the godfather of Chinese Contemporary Art said of Ma's works, "those intricate and repetitive grids on her works are not to highlight visual effects, Ma Yanling treasures the whole progression of depiction more. What's more crucial to her is the drawing process. It is life itself that flows steadily like water…. throughout the uncomplicated yet repetitive procedure, each and every line and each and every lattice on her works are in fact each and every moment in life, day after day, year after year, replicating, repeating yet eventually all drifting away. What she brings forward is not a conceptual idea but a personal experience of life."
The imageries on the exhibits in Timeless defy any wear-down in memories. They stay forever fresh as they are frozen at the prime of their lives.Timeless exhibition opens on December 1st, 2010 and runs until December 23rd.
For further information or interview with the artist, please contact us at dyiu@artbeatus.com.hk or call Dominic Chan at 2522.1138 or Josephine Hau at 2526.0818.
Art Beatus Gallery is located on the ground floor of Peel Street, Central (SOHO Area).
Gallery hours: Mon.-Sat. 11:30am to 7:30pm, close on Sundays & public holidays
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