展览时间:2010-11-13 ~ 2010-12-12
开幕时间:2010-11-13 15:30
而从艺术创作和思考的角度看,他试图构建一种中国文化的感性表达和德国文化的理性认知的融合,通过材料的自然性和绘画的自然状态,及写实技术与透明画布的高度理性的叠加,从而产生新的视觉形式,以表达一种静态状态下带有生理与心理隐蔽的情绪。因此,“玩物”成为了这样的一种载体和象征,作为极端感性的“玩”和 为“玩”精美制造出来的“物”,这本身就构成了于幸泽艺术一个主要的矛盾结合点和创作出发点。“玩物”本身所隐含的生命、心理和文化的内容,更在于幸泽的艺术表达过程中一层层地呈现、幻化出来,甚至是不断地演绎创造出新的形态和可能性。
Free Toys----A Critic on Yu Xingze's Latest Works by Wang Huangsheng
Wang Huangsheng, Director of the Central Academy of Fine Art’s Museum
In philosophy, freedom is a part of the essence of “existence”, it is the starting point of existing just for existence, moreover, in the realistic day-to-day life, “freedom” is a very high spiritual and behavioral state, it makes human being just “human”, artists just “artists”, and life just “ life”. When l look at Yu Xingze's latest paintings, it’s almost as if I had on many levels, many directions, a new experience and understanding of “freedom”.
From life, memory might be the very essence of human existence, we can’t escape the memories of living, and thus from childhood, especially for “travelers” like Yu Xingze. He has already left his hometown to study and live in Germany. For him, the childhood memories became the basis of his “free” life. It became a kind of knowledge of his own potential, without embellishing his longing for his homeland culture. From Germany and the exquisite painting of “Bubbles”, to China and the falling in love with “Inflatable toys”, his fascination for childhood toys, “playthings” became evident. This fascination expresses itself through exquisite details and realistic process, and in this process, he found his own past and present, he found a kind of fixation and knowledge, and we can also say that through it, he found his life “freedom”
From his art, we can see the fusion of Chinese culture’s sensitive expression with German culture’s sensible knowledge. Through natural materials, and natural attitude toward painting, through realistic technique and transparent canvas’ many le veled reflection, he produced a new visual form, and, with a calm composure,he expressed psychological and physiological hidden emotions. Thus the toys, the “playthings” became a kind of medium, became symbols. In “playing” truthfully, in creating the “playthings”, the game gains yet another meaning, that is an important part of Yu Xingze's art in its resolution of the challenges of creation starting point. The life infusing the “playthings” themselves, the psychological and cultural meaning they carry appear step by step in Yu Xingze's creating process. The toys become illusions and deductively create new forms and possibilities.
Maybe these are the ideal toys, the“playthings” that Yu Xingze carries in his heart. The game, because of the objects appears meaningful; the objects because of the game transform themselves in a new kind of amusement. In “playing” with the toys, Yu Xingze experienced his own true “freedom”.
Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Art , Beijing
Openning: 3:30pm ,13 th Nov, 2010 ,Saturday
Duration: 13 th Nov to 12 th Dec, 2010
Address: Ground Floor, Building No.2,MoGanShan Road No.50,Shanghai
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