展览时间:2010-12-05 ~ 2011-01-14
开幕时间:2010-12-04 16:00~18:00
Other Places Liu Jingxun Photography Exhibition
Artist: Liu Jingxun
Critic: Hai Jie
Opening: 16:00 – 18:00 / 12.04.2010
Duration: 10:00 – 18:00 / 05.12.2010 – 14.1.2010
Venue: OFOTO Gallery. 2F, Building 13, 50 Moganshan Rd, Shanghai, 200060
In 2009, Liu Jingxun temporarily turned camera from Xihaigu to Gannan, which is also a most popular subject in photograph. Liu Jinxun’s behavior is highly risky to me because first he has to fight with the most photogenic images and fixed aesthetic taste of the audience, with the bright sunlight and weather-beaten faces in Tibet.
To our surprise, he dropped Mamiya, a very complicating camera which he had consistently used. First he alienated himself in medium carrying a Lomo camera to Gannan. Medium is the material, which is vital for art expression. Choosing medium is choosing attitude. During the work of ‘Other Places’, the un-adjustability of Lomo forced the photographer to respect the images. Since there’s no more choice, the work becomes more spontaneous and free.
Extracted from Hai Jie ‘Other Places’ of the Others
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