您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 《刘韧》摄影回顾展
展览时间:2010-11-27 ~ 2011-02-27
展览地点:1 ARTBANK
策 展 人:李泽民
开幕时间:2010-11-27 17:00

《刘韧》摄影回顾展 // 探戈舞会 探戈之夜

地点:北京市朝阳区金茂威斯汀大饭店4层,1 ARTBANK画廊

5:00 PM——《刘韧》展览开幕酒会
6:30 PM——阿根廷探戈表演(TT & Amy老师)
7:30 PM——免费阿根廷探戈初级体验课程(Diego & Julia老师)
9:00 PM——免费阿根廷探戈舞会(DJ潭小鹏)

《刘韧》摄影回顾展将于11月27日于金茂北京威斯汀大饭店四层1 ARTBANK画廊举办。刘韧于1980年在中国出生,并以实验艺术摄影师的身份闻名。她的作品广泛利用包括photoshop、3ds Max在内的电脑技术,着重展现幻想,梦想和渴望的主题。在她5年的艺术生涯中,刘韧——以及其他有代表性人物——继承中国传统主流思想,将摄影也是艺术创作的理念更加深刻地植根于中国民众之中。

在下午5点开始举行的刘韧摄影回顾展开幕式上,将会有由阿根廷探戈传播机构(Tango Chino Club)和beijing.tango赞助举行的探戈表演和免费探戈初级课程教授,并于晚上9点开始威斯汀探戈舞会。快来加入我们在探戈之夜尽情狂欢吧!

1 ARTBANK是一个位于金茂北京威斯汀酒店内的当代艺术展览空间。展览空间主要代表与北京有关联的国内外艺术家。

查询请联系1 ARTBANK +86 10 5922 8888 ext.8724,或邮箱: info@artbank-china.com

Liu Ren: A Photography Retrospective // TANGO at the Westin

Time: November 27, 2010, 5:00PM
Venue: 1 ARTBANK, 4th floor of the Westin Beijing Chaoyang
Address: 7 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang district, Beijing 100027, China

5:00 PM—Liu Ren exhibition opening reception
6:30 PM—Argentine tango performance (Intructors TT & Amy)
7:30 PM—FREE tango beginner’s class (Intructors Diego & Julia)
9:00 PM—FREE tango milonga (DJ Ricardo)

1 ARTBANK is delighted to open the exhibition Liu Ren on November 27th at the Westin Beijing Chaoyang. Born in China in 1980, Liu has been known as an experimental art photographer working with the themes of fantasy, dream, and desire using a wide range of computer enhancement programs from Photoshop to 3ds Max. In the course of five years of her career, Liu has—amongst others—further contributed for the consolidation of photography as a form of legitimate artistic expression within the landscape of social consciousness in China.

To celebrate the opening reception of Liu Ren (5:00 PM), we will be hosting a tango performance (6:30 PM), a FREE tango beginner’s class (7:30 PM), and a FREE tango milonga at the Westin (9:00 PM), courtesy of the Beijing-based Tango Chino Club and beijing.tango. Please come and join us for a night of dancing!

More info about the artist: www.artbank-chiina.com

1 ARTBANK is a contemporary art exhibition space located at The Westin Beijing Chaoyang. The 1 ARTBANK exhibition space focuses on representing local and international artists that are either based in or have maintained a relationship with Beijing.

For inquires, please contact 1 ARTBANK at + 86 10 5922 8888 ext. 8724, or email: info@artbank-china.com

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