您的当前位置: 首页 > 展览 > 画廊展览 > 新美学:张立国1993-1999年绘画作品档案展
展览时间:2010-12-25 ~ 2011-01-21
开幕时间:2010-12-25 16:00


After the inspection speech in south China made by Deng Xiaoping in 1992, since 1993, China has entered the period of fast economical development and social stability. Economical development replaced ideological criticism, and the relatively equal society in China started to stratify, and economical differences overrode ideological differences. The first profession in the golden 80s, or the independent artists to be exact, was faced with harsh living pressure. Separated from the old units, they got the right and freedom to create, but at the same time, they lose the protection of the system and the free living guarantee. In the 1990s, the middle class in China did not appear, and it was hard for the artists to gain income from the society or the market. So, even if artists appeared in large amount in the 1990s, real professional artists did not form a scale. In the 19902, Zhang Liguo began to teach in the Central Academy of Art and Design as the formal teacher. Thus he had the insufficient but stable income; it guaranteed that he had the time and energy to proceed with independent creation. After the wide exploration in the 1980s, Zhang Liguo formed his own artistic language in the 1990s. The artistic language was based on the wide exploration into the painting autonomy he made before, and the new aesthetics formed.

Modernization—the aim of the reform in China, was realized in the first place in the paintings of Zhang Liguo. The modernization was not exotic, it was the modernization based on the culture and art of China. Zhang Liguo’s paintings represented the ultimate achievement of the modern painting after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the modern aesthetics belonging to China is reflected naturally in his works. And in the 1990s, Shadow started to be the major theme of Zhang Liguo’s creation, the theme could be seen vaguely in his former creations, but Shadow has become the most powerful componential part of Zhang Liguo’s new aesthetics ever since.

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