展览时间:2011-01-14 ~ 2011-02-11
策 展 人:Nilo Ilarde、Ringo Bunoan、Isabel Ching
参展艺术家:Roberto Chabet
开幕酒会:2011-01-13 18:30
奥沙艺术基金(Osage Art Foundation; 下称OAF) 于2004年成立,是一个非牟利国际慈善团体,致力推广文化交流、创意艺术教育以及外展工作。2005年,本机构先后分别于香港、中国、日本、新加坡及菲律宾举行文化交流艺术展。OAF举办的展览是建基于广泛的研究。目的是发佈强而有力的佐证,藉以推广具代表性的新晋画家。同时为他们提供展示的机会,扩宽展览策划新视野。有见亚洲艺术在世界舞台日渐被受瞩目,OAF亦意识到推动亚洲国家之间文化艺术对话的迫切需要。时至今日,亚洲艺术的交流往往就于欧美那些国际艺术核心发生。而本基金持守著深化亚洲区域文化意识培养的使命,并以一系列的艺术展览,名为《Regional Perspectives》(译:区域视角) 设立一个新平台。相信这些展览会向国际展示亚洲艺术家的重要性和影响力,让他们广泛被受亚洲和国际重视及认同,可视为艺术界的新典范。
为表扬菲律宾著名当代艺术家及权威学者Roberto Chabet五十年多年来对艺术,教育及策展方面的伟大贡献,OAF有幸于2011年举办《Regional Perspectives: Chabet 50 Years》。奥沙艺术基金联同 Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore (ICAS:新加坡当代艺术学院), LASSALLE College of the Arts(拉萨尔艺术学院) 及King Kong Art Project Unlimted将策划一系列的艺术展览活动。有关展览会展示Chabet先生与84位曾被教育和深受其影响的著名及新晋菲律宾艺术家的艺术作品。
《To Be Continued》、《Intermediate Geography》和《Complete & Unabridged, Part I and II》会让观众认识和肯定Chabet先生作品的造艺与其对艺术界的共献。从 1961年的首个展览至今,Chabet先生是菲律宾当代艺术奠下地基之重要人物。他的作品–当中包括: 油画、绘图、拼贴、雕塑品及装置艺术 – 打破传统的分类定律。他不但于抽象的概念寻找更深远的意义,还惯用日常用品和随手拈来的东西,在世俗生活中找寻新的领悟。展览除了探究Chabet的艺术製作,还探讨他身为策展人与教育工作者对艺术的影响。
《To Be Continued》是Chabet先生的作品回顾展,当中将展出由1984至今的夹板作品。夹板已由他的惯用材料进化为他作品的创作重点。再者,展览会首次同时展出于 80 年代荜路蓝缕的三部曲作品:「Russian Paintings」、「House Paintings」、以及「Cargo and Decoy」。《To Be Continued》除了展示Chabet著重于工序的认真,亦展示他的风格 -- 变幻莫测的艺术本质为创作的先缺条件。
《Intermediate Geography》是Chabet于2005年间首次展出的装置艺术品,亦是Chabet在菲律宾马尼拉Finale Art Gallery及West Gallery同时举行的一系列周年展览的一部分。本展览将于香港奥沙苏豪画廊作第二次展出;目的是唤起大众对已认知及未认知的事物、可见可表达的及非具体所表达的、私有及公开的、自身及物与物之间的关系、艺术及非艺术等种种概念的深层体会。
在新加坡及香港分期举行的联展《Complete & Unabridged, Part I and II》,展出的艺术品是选取自 Chabet 及联同多名经他指导的学生的艺术创作。目的是强调Chabet导师的角色,以及对其30年来在University of the Philippines College of Fine Arts用心培育的菲律宾艺术家萌生的影响。展览中,作品延续着艺术思维方式之异见和「艺术」各种不同定义的讨论,反映菲律宾当代艺术的不同声音。这些论述亦可见于Chabet先生的艺术创作、策划的展览及教学的理念。
《Chabet 50 Years》是 King Kong Art Projects Unlimited 2011-2010年系列展览之一。并于新加坡,马尼拉及香港多个地区先后举行。目的是表扬Chabet先生50多年来在概念艺术方面的精湛造诣,为菲律宾概念艺术发展奠下稳健的基础。
To Be Continued
艺术家:Roberto Chabet
策展人:Nilo Ilarde, Ringo Bunoan & Isabel Ching
展览地点:Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore (ICAS), LASALLE College of the Arts
地址:1 McNally Street, Singapore 187940
The Osage Art Foundation (OAF), established in 2004, works in the areas of cultural exchange, educational outreach and the building of knowledge. And since 2005, OAF has been promoting cross cultural understanding through art exhibitions between Hong Kong, China, Japan, Singapore and the Philippines. OAF exhibitions develop from substantial research, aim to make strong statements about significant as well as emerging artists, and to provide regional platforms for innovative curatorial perspectives. While the arts from Asia have become increasingly visible both within this part of the world, and globally, OAF recognises that more needs to be done to develop the cultural conversations happening within Asia. Even today, the exchanges between artists in Asia are too often mediated by global centres in Europe and North America. As part of OAF’s mission to foster a deeper regional consciousness of the arts within Asia, OAF is launching a new platform, called “Regional Perspectives”, and initiating this platform with a major exhibition series. These exhibitions will establish new precedents in making the case that certain key artists from the region have a larger regional and international significance.
In 2011, Mr. Roberto Chabet, one of the Philippines’ most influential contemporary artists, will be celebrating fifty years of his professional practice as an artist, curator and teacher. OAF, together with the Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, LASALLE College of the Arts (ICAS), and King Kong Art Projects Unlimited are presenting a series of exhibitions of works by Chabet and over 80 acclaimed and emerging Filipino artists whom he has taught and mentored.
The exhibitions — entitled, “To Be Continued”, “Intermediate Geography” and “Complete & Unabridged, Parts I and II”— will offer viewers a chance to appreciate and examine Chabet’s work and legacy. Since his first exhibition in 1961, Chabet has been instrumental in establishing the foundations for contemporary practice in the Philippines. His works, ranging from painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, and installation, resist easy categorisation. Using mostly ordinary and found material, he takes an inclusive approach to art, searching for the sublime not just in abstract ideas but also in the immediacy of the quotidian and the commonplace. Beyond the significance of his artistic practice, these exhibitions will also explore Chabet’s influence as a curator and educator.
The solo exhibition “To Be Continued” is a landmark survey exhibition of Chabet’s plywood works from 1984 to the present. In these works, Chabet utilizes his signature material – store-bought plywood boards. It is a material, which has become not only the surface and support of his paintings and installations, but to a large extent its subject matter and content. The exhibition gathers for the first time significant works, including the seminal 1980s trilogy “Russian Paintings”, “House Paintings” and “Cargo and Decoy”. Highlighting process and the provisional aspect of the material, "To Be Continued" is reflective of Chabet’s practice, which gives precedence to the fugitive and contingent nature of art.
“Intermediate Geography” was an installation first displayed in 2005 as part of Chabet’s series of annual simultaneous exhibitions at Finale Art Gallery and West Gallery at SM Megamall in Manila. It will be reconstructed in Osage Soho. “Intermediate Geography” is like a reminder of the dichotomies between the known and the unknowable; the expressible and the inexpressible; private and public; oneself and the other; art and non-art.
For the group exhibitions in Singapore and Hong Kong “Complete & Unabridged, Parts I and II”, a wide range of works by Chabet and his former students will be featured. This two-part exhibition aims to highlight the role of Chabet as a mentor and influence to generations of Filipino artists, mainly from the University of the Philippines College of Fine Arts, where he taught for over three decades. Reflecting the diversity of interests and practices in contemporary Philippine art today, the works in these exhibitions are connected by a continuing discussion on alternative forms and ways of thinking about art, which Chabet has consistently raised through his own art, curated exhibitions and teachings.
“Chabet 50 Years” is part of a series of projects organised by King Kong Art Projects Unlimited throughout 2011 – 2012 at various venues in Singapore, Hong Kong and Manila in celebration of fifty years of Chabet’s pioneering conceptual work and his role in shaping Philippine contemporary art.
Artist:Roberto Chabet
Curators:Nilo Ilarde, Ringo Bunoan & Isabel Ching
Exhibition Duration:14 January 2011 till 11 February 2011
Opening Reception:13 January 2011 (Thursday), 6:30pm–8:30pm
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