展览时间:2011-03-06 ~ 2011-03-31
开幕时间:2011-03-05 15:00
喜爱绘画至今已三十余年,谈不上有什么作为,至今未能画出像样的东西,只是抱着一颗常人心态真诚面对,默默地注视着身边的人和景物,也常常为身边的小事而感动。对绘画本体语言自认为较敏感,年复一年地不知疲劳地在画室里享受画画的快乐,时间久了,手艺人开始有了点艺术主张和判断力,处理画面时好像有了些手感和控制力,使我感受到绘画其实是件简单而快乐的事情,它没有“好”与“坏”之分, 只有“真”与“假”的差异。在岁月中那些换起我生命激情的东西成了我生命中的一部分。
贾涤非 中央美术学院教授
黄继先(荒 乙) 简历
2011年 《徽州印象》荒乙油画作品个展-北京798艺术区XYZ画廊
2010年 宁波美术馆“风景写生油画学术邀请展“
2009年 第十一届湖北省美术作品展
2006年 咸宁学院艺术学院七人作品展
2005年 湖北首届油画风景展
2004年 第十届全国美术作品展
1999年 第九届全国美术作品展
1996年 第三届全国水彩.粉画作品展
I have been painting for over thirty years, but I feel like having not accomplished any achievement yet. Till now, I could not find any piece of my work that satisfies me, however with a sincere heart and worldly perspective, I always enjoy observing the people and scenery surrounded me in silence, which often inspire me in life. Personally, I am quite sensitive with painting language. As time goes by, I become more and more fascinated by working on painting in my studio without ever feeling exhaustion, and the craftsman like me gradually establishes a kind of artist statement or judgement. I start to build up an ability of controlling in dealing with the canvas by hand-touch, making me realize painting itself a simply joyful and pleasant thing. As for me, my painting does not have a distinguishment between good and bad, or real and fake.Each painting of mine created by inspiration becomes an inevitable part of my life.
Painting is an ordinary thing in daily life; it is neither high beyond life, nor carries countless thoughts or philosphies, but simply common filled up with fun, and freedom…
By Huangyi, Nov.28, 2010.
“Huangyi’s recent painting works show a tremendous interest in conveying the imaginery scenery by his own painting language, with different media and by various structures. After numerous experimentations, he is able to grasp the best method of expressing what he would like to deliver exactly in his work. Furthermore, he finds how to interprete the spirit, energy and soul deep inside the heart.”
By Mr. Jia Difei, the professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts
Bio of Huangyi (Huang Jixiang)
1962 born in Chibi City of Hubei Province, China
1983 till now
Studied in Furniture Designing Facaulty of Hubei Art and Design Institute,
Oil Painting Dept. of Hubei Fine Arts Academy
Visiting Scholar of Central Academy of Fine Arts
Currently as an associate professor in Xianning Academy of Fine Arts
Membership of China Artist Association
Participated Exhibitions:
2011 <IMPRESSION OF HUIZHOU> Huangyi Oil Painting Solo Exhibition
2010 Academic Invitational Exhibition at Museum of Ningbo
2009 No.11th Fine Painting Arts Exhibition in Hubei Province
2006 7-person Group Show in Art Academy of Xianning
2005 The First Hubei Provincial Oil Painting Landscape Exhibition
2004 The Tenth National Painting Works Group Exhibition
1999 The Ninth National Painting Works Group Exhibition
1996 The Third National Water Color Painting Works Exhibition
- 2011-04-30 ~ 2011-05-30出窍记·缪晓春个展
- 2011-04-29 ~ 2011-05-20静中人Figures of Silence —Michel Madore
- 2011-04-30 ~ 2011-05-14黑白
- 2011-05-28 ~ 2011-07-28四重奏——孟昌明水墨荷花作品展
- 2011-05-28 ~ 2011-06-24“远与近”意大利当代著名艺术家作品展
- 2011-05-28 ~ 2011-07-02底下有石头:杨心广个展
- 2011-05-21 ~ 2011-06-20湖滨诗境──Celest生态摄影展(续展)
- 2011-05-21 ~ 2011-06-05缓行——十二位八零后艺术家
- 2011-04-28 ~ 2011-06-05观天悟道——张国龙艺术巡展
- 2011-05-28 ~ 2011-07-10诺特·维塔尔:激浸