展览时间:2011-03-13 ~ 2011-04-22
参展艺术家:Ryan Paul Lobo、Raghu Rai、Prabuddha Dasgupta
开幕时间:2011-03-12 16:00~18:00
20世纪以来,印度摄影主要是内省。在Raghu Rai和Prabuddha Dasgupta这样印度摄影师的带领下,摄影在印度乃至世界舞台上发挥着越来越重要的文化功能。
Raghu Rai是印度最负盛名、最具代表性的摄影师。他的作品及马格南摄影师的身份,使其成为20、21世纪世界最具影响力的摄影师之一。他是印度新闻摄影之父,也是首位获得如此国际声誉的印度摄影师。他的作品大都是对印度自然地貌与风土人情的考察,本次展览的作品就是如此。Rai说,每拍一张照片都需要我们留意镜头里的每个细节。
Prabuddha Dasgupta也是一位自学成才的印度摄影大师。Dasgupta生长于后殖民时代,多文化混杂的印度。他的“信仰边缘”系列摄于果阿的阿拉伯海岸。果阿位于印度西岸,果阿于1961年获得解放,结束了450年的葡萄牙殖民历史。
Ryan Lobo是印度年轻一代摄影师的代表人物。1973年生于班加罗尔,他关注战争中更具人性的一面,以及当今世界中的暴行。Lobo浓烈而敏锐的摄影风格适时为他在印度最有名望的当代摄影师中赢得一席。2007年,Lobo辗转于伊拉克、阿富汗和利比亚,同时也是本次展览作品的取景地。他将自己沉浸于当地民众的故事里,抓拍的作品展现了这些苦难之地的考验和磨难。
For the majority of the 20th century, photography in India has been predominantly introspective. Built on the solid foundations of Indian photographers like Raghu Rai and Prabuddha Dasgupta, photography is becoming more and more culturally important in India and as such is arriving on the world stage.
Raghu Rai is India’s most celebrated and iconic photographer whose work, and position as a Magnum photographer, has placed him as an important global figure in both 20th and 21st century photography; he is the father of photojournalism in India and the first Indian photographer to gain such worldwide commendation. Many of his photographs are studies of both the physical and cultural landscape in India, such as those in this exhibition. Rai says. ‘When we take a picture, we have to be aware of every inch of space we're dealing with.
Prabuddha Dasgupta is also a major photographic talent in India. Dasgupta is a self-taught photographer who grew up in the cultural chaos of post-colonial India. Dasgupta’s series ‘Edge of Faith’ was taken along the coast of the Arabian Sea in Goa, on the west coast of India. Goa was liberated in 1961, after 450 years of Portuguese rule.
Ryan Lobo represents the younger generation of Indian photographers. Lobo was born in 1973 in Bangalore and he deals with the more human aspects of war and atrocity in the modern world. Lobo’s emphatic and sensitive images have duly earned him a place as one of India’s most well-known and respected contemporary photographers. In 2007, Lobo traveled to Iraq, Afghanistan and Liberia, where the photographs in this exhibition were taken. He immersed himself in people’s stories in these places in order to capture photographs that communicate something of the trials and tribulation of these troubled lands.
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