展览时间:2011-02-26 ~ 2011-03-26
开幕时间:2011-2-26 15:00
我关注闫珩是从2007年由黄笃策展的艺术文献展开始, 不知为什么他当时的作品很小,也不在起眼的位置,更谈不上知名度。可是确让我记住了他。他的笔触里让我感受到他是个有血有肉的愤青。2009年底,在视空间为他举办的个展上,我看到了他眼界的扩展和表现手法的日趋成熟,他的话语权不再是个人的,而是社会的,人类的。但愤青没有改变。
I am following Mr. Yan Heng since the Art Documentary Exhibition organized by art curator Huang Du in 2007.
I don’t know why that time his works were rather small, and exhibited in out-of-the-way places: surely he was not famous.
But I remember him: his stroke made me feel he was indeed an angry youth with flesh and blood.
At his exhibition at VISUAL SPACE by end of 2009, I could see that his world perspective has broadened , while his technique of expression gained in maturity, the power of his language changing from indidualistic to social. But he did not lose the strength of the “angry youth”.
Today I am pleased to receive his works just exhibited at the show “Images Mixed and Matched” held at Shenzhen Art Museum and Xian Art Museum and curated by Mr. Lu Hong.
I hope to share this enjoyment with all of you.
I also wish Yan Heng next show at Yang Gallery a great success.
Ru Jie
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