展览时间:2011-03-05 ~ 2011-04-06
当代著名水墨绘画名家刘牧此番偕同三位得意门生杜杰、林天行、石晶以画作舟, 泛舟纸上, 和观者一起游历他们眼中闲雅、别致、沁人心脾的万千景色,用心灵描绘一幅幅饱蘸自然繁华绮丽的生命画卷。
在中国当代水墨画艺术中享有盛誉的刘牧先生传统绘画功底深厚,同时注重以开放的文化视角描绘传统山水和解构传统笔墨符号,开创了崭新内涵的新山水精神。对中国当代山水画派和其众多门生的作品创作和艺术发展产生了深远的影响。刘牧笔下的山川景色, 诗意盎然, 蕴藏禅机, 素雅灵动, 着实耐人寻味 。
系出同门的杜杰、林天行、石晶深受刘牧老师多年的艺术熏陶, 沿袭了深厚的文化底蕴, 汲取了中国传统绘画的造诣和人文精神以沉淀他们的绘画思考同时借鉴西洋绘画的表现方法以丰富他们的绘画语言,也都取得了很好的艺术成就。杜杰的画风新颖大胆, 他笔下的江南春日新艳动人, 极富生机; 林天行的画作虚实结合, 浓墨重彩, 姹紫嫣红, 饱含春的气息;石晶的深闺系列更是春风扑面, 柔媚多情,尽显江南春色的清新婉丽。
四人虽都已形成了各自独特鲜明的艺术符号,但其作品在气质和精神文化上却有着千丝万缕的联系。他们对江南万物风情的描绘既是田园牧歌式的集体礼赞, 也是融入各自艺术生命的深刻思考,是真实生活和美好自然在艺术层面的重塑与升华。
“Fair southern shore With scenes I much adore.”
The most adorable scene is when in its spring. Each yard is brimmed with sprouts and blossoms, warm and vital, instinct with poetical and artistic sentiments.
The famous contemporary water-ink painting master Liu Mu accompanied by his three talented disciples Du Jie, Lin Tianxing and Shi Jing taking their paper as the spring-outing boat, floating on the various unique and delicate sceneries and sharing with audiences their heartfelt vitality of nature and life.
Highly acclaimed in the school of the Chinese contemporary water painting, Mr. Liu Mu has a tremendous deep and solid foundation for traditional painting techniques. And he created the New Water Philosophy with fresh connotations by his open cultural viewpoint and his destruction of traditional water painting symbols. His art works have made a profound influence on the creation and development of his numerous disciples as well as the Chinese contemporary water painting. The mountains and rivers under Liu Mu’s brush are so poetic and free with thought-provoking Zenic enlightenments.
Du Jie, Lin Tianxing and Shi Jing, who have all learned from Liu Mu for years, have separately succeeded a solid cultural background and attained an outstanding accomplishment in art. Their inspirations have been derived from the traditional Chinese painting features as well as its humanistic spirits. Meanwhile they have also referred to the expression approach of western painting, which has enriched their painting language. The painting style of Du Jie is bold and novel. The spring scenery in his painting is vividly fresh and with vitality; Lin Tianxing’s painting features in combining void and solid painting skill as well as dense coloring of the Spring nature; The Maiden series of Shi Jing reveals gentle affection of the crisp clear Chiangnan spring.
Although formed their own distinct art symbols already, the works of the four artists have something in common regarding to disposition and spiritual culture. Their portrays of the southern landscape are a group psalm in eclogue to it, as well as a sophisticated thought fusing their art life and in the art level, a remolding and sublimation of real life and wondrous nature.
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