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展览时间:2011-03-19 ~ 2011-04-24
展览地点:Gallery J. Chen
开幕时间:2011-03-19 15:00~18:00



Graduated from printmaking department in Central Academy of Fine Arts, Zheng Wei finds that the way he creates prints is not only his art style but also his creating theory. His wood carving shows the texture of oil painting, and a three-dimensional space was created when the metal penetrated the wooden board, what’s more, it ambiguously formed a tension between the space and the surface of art works. It finally reached undefined types of art with unprecedentedly complicated visual effects.

The figures of his works are always in unrealistic situations. Their simplified and deliberately decorated faces can be only identified by the clothing, movements, and surrounding environment. It finally creates the specific and vague atmosphere. Zheng Wei’s art works are substantially different from pop images. He presents an ambiguous effect or state instead of explaining a question easily or just expressing an emotion. In the fast-moving society where transitions keep happening at the dazzling speed, Zheng Wei runs away from it and searches for the eternal qualities of human in a state of traceback or standstill, constructing an inner senses of emptiness.

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