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展览时间:2011-04-02 ~ 2011-05-25
策 展 人:Silvia Minciarelli
开幕时间:2011-04-02 15:00





ARTMIA Gallery is more than pleased to host the “ARTMIA Living: Contemporary Art and Space Exhibition” in April 2nd, 2011. This exhibition, which is of great importance to us, will direct ARTMIA Gallery’s promotion work in the future. In the past, ARTMIA, the same as other galleries, planned exhibitions targeted mainly at a small minority, including artists, collectors and other participants, which is somewhat unapproachable for the average. However, given the rapid economic development and great progress of civilization, the masses have an increasingly strong demand for art, and in turn art itself is getting closer to life while ARTMIA is also seeking changes. We hope this exhibition will facilitate channels to serve the public, and meanwhile open up more development space and market space for our minority long-time partners. It is our ultimate aim to incorporate art with life, and enable people to enjoy the pleasure brought by artworks in our lives and offices.

It is not a newly trend for artworks to integrate into real life. After all, featured by simple stock collection insured for investment, the art market aimed at highlighting quality and taste only caters to a small minority. For the public, the minority art in the ivory tower is too distant away, while what in the most urgent need of art to direct and guide is the living space carrying our basic necessities of life. ARTMIA Gallery believes in her responsibility and capability to help people incorporate artworks with living space in order to improve people’s aesthetic cultivation, and in this way to help artists open up a broader market, providing them with more extensive social roles, and more importantly, to tap the richer function and charm of artworks themselves. It is necessary for us to retrieve a balance among various major elements in the artistic development, so that more and more people will enjoy art and benefit from art.

As a unique member in the society, each of us resembles a wise artist with exceptional aesthetic taste and interest, as well as favorite shape, color and texture. The cruel truth lies along the path of our growth; the nature of creation has been gradually undermined by group psychology. As a result, we no longer enjoy life from an artistic perspective, and it never occurs to us that living space can be unique because of our own beauty. One of the main purposes of this exhibition is to encourage and inspire the audience to embark on an active creation based upon personal experience of ARTMIA Living. Therefore, the cultivation of decent aesthetic taste must begin from the creation of environmental art, in which we will obtain abundant experience of ARTMIA Living centered on noumenon. Serving as a bridge between art and the public, ARTMIA Gallery has a mission to combine art and environment in a harmonious manner by creating ARTMIA Living in order to prompt the audience to reflect on and improve their aesthetic style, aesthetic taste and life quality. Meanwhile, we hope to incorporate education with art, thus enriching the aesthetic and educational function of the society through the beautification of environment and space.

In Chinese aesthetics, there exists a well-known thesis issued by Wang Changling in his poem Shige (poetic style): “Internalize the environment where you are, so that you will understand the environment keenly and achieve a harmonious unity with nature.” Only in this way, can we appreciate artistic wonders and the genuine meaning of artistic life.

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