展览时间:2011-04-21 ~ 2011-05-21
女性出版物Thrive 作者Alejandra Guzman, Lisa Blunt Rochester , Ruth Kuguru 以及上海西艺画廊艺术总监兼投资人葛娜女士携手推出新一季摄影艺术展:
成功女性的新诠释 人像摄影展
4月23日,Thrive 创作团队将在西艺画廊举办签名售书活动。关于展览活动和Thrive的更多信息请登陆Thrive官网。
The authors of the book Thrive, Alejandra Guzman, Lisa Blunt Rochester and Ruth Kuguru and ART in capitals gallery owner, Ana Gomez, are pleased to present a new photography exhibition:
Portraits of Women Redefining Success
The THRIVE exhibition
From April 21st till May 21st, ART in capitals gallery will host a new and inspiring exhibition of photography. This exhibition, based on photographs which capture each woman profiled in the book, from Chinese photographer Bobo Lin, became a new way of looking at them with the modern twist of the Spanish artist Antonio Forgue.
This exhibition has an objective beyond presenting the photography itself: Help and Inspire.
The proceeds from the photography and book sales go to charitable foundations supporting disadvantage girls and women in China.
The authors of Thrive, Alejandra Guzman, Lisa Blunt Rochester and Ruth Kuguru, will be signing copies of their book on Saturday April 23rd , from 12pm till 8pm.
Please, check the Thrive web page for more information about the book and the events that will be hosted during the exhibition at ART in capitals Gallery.
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