展览时间:2011-04-16 ~ 2011-05-15
开幕时间:2011-04-16 15:00
潘曦用水质的颜料在丝绢上画女人, 这些身心自由地沉浸在自我的秘密花园里的女人, 纤细骨感,花楚怜人。她们细腻大胆地呈现在你的眼前,独处但不寂寞。无论观者是谁,无论视线来自于何方, 潘曦的女人们都是在自娱自乐地享受着她们美丽的存在。 潘曦的画咋看都有着东方水墨画的洒脱随意,但你仔细品味起她的画中的每一点颜色、每一道线条,连同装载这些画作的通体透明的有机玻璃盒子,潘曦是在以高度的逻辑性,严丝合缝地规划过整个画面的。这不可预料中的慎密理性是会带给你惊喜的艺术。
“我的秘密花园”在寂静的晨光中悄然显形, 草地上的连理缠枝轰然隐去, 古老的石门聚攒着昨夜的星辰露水,没落的覆盆子叹息着沙荆花的绚烂, 偶然的鸟鸣。春天里,潘曦的丝绢穿梭时光搅动着我们感知的每个细节。
In My Secrete Garden
Pan Xi paints female bodies with fluid water-based color on Chinese silk. These are women indulging in their own thoughts, sensual, sexy, highly seductive. Their presence is a moment of stillness in their own secrete garden, bold, self-conscious, along but not lonely. Regardless of the gaze, these are the women enjoy being beautiful and being sexy confidently in their own territory. The surprise of Pan Xi’s painting may come when you discover the interplay between the spontaneity of colour and form on silk and the controlled logic within the figure and the background in the painting. The transparent acrylic glass frame designed by the artist herself also adds another dimension of movement in the tranquil moment of these women’s mental world.
“In daylight’s first ray, consciousness can catch the world. Like the hand to catch a warm stone under the sun.”
Pan Xi’s paintings intend to touch every detail of our consciousness in these lovely spring days.
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