展览时间:2011-04-23 ~ 2011-05-22
山本昌男富有禅意的作品 和生活方式都弥漫着东方特有的哲学和美学气息。虽然成名后在世界各地频繁展览,他仍可以在富士山下过着静谧的生活。
Masao Yamamoto is one of the most internationally influential Japanese photographers. He was born in 1957 in Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
Yamamoto initially studied oil painting, but he entered the world of photography in the 1980s. He is world-famous for his small-scale photographs and he attempts to give each photograph a life of its own. He blurs the line between photograph and oil painting; sometimes he paints on the photographs, stains them with dye or tea, or tears them. He often photographs subjects such as still life, the human body, and landscapes. He has even produced installations, using small photographs to show how each fragment composes part of much larger reality.
Yamamoto’s meditative life and work spread a uniquely Eastern philosophical and aesthetic air. Although he has had many exhibitions all over the world since his rise to frame, he still lives peaceful life at the base of Mount Fuji.
This exhibition of Masao Yamamoto’s work features the everyday details of his life and mountainous landscapes; they are fragments of real life. They express an “emptiness” that transcends time and meaning. The works exhibited will penetrate the concepts of “emptiness” and “nothing”.
- 2011-04-30 ~ 2011-05-30出窍记·缪晓春个展
- 2011-04-29 ~ 2011-05-20静中人Figures of Silence —Michel Madore
- 2011-04-30 ~ 2011-05-14黑白
- 2011-05-28 ~ 2011-07-28四重奏——孟昌明水墨荷花作品展
- 2011-05-28 ~ 2011-06-24“远与近”意大利当代著名艺术家作品展
- 2011-05-28 ~ 2011-07-02底下有石头:杨心广个展
- 2011-05-21 ~ 2011-06-20湖滨诗境──Celest生态摄影展(续展)
- 2011-05-21 ~ 2011-06-05缓行——十二位八零后艺术家
- 2011-04-28 ~ 2011-06-05观天悟道——张国龙艺术巡展
- 2011-05-28 ~ 2011-07-10诺特·维塔尔:激浸